Monarch Butterfly Poaching Research Paper

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Monarch butterflies poaching and farming
The monarch population has decreased 90% over the last 20 years. One of the many reasons that this happened is because of poaching and farming. Poaching and farming is the fifth most profitable illicit trade in the world. You can help by signing petitions for anti-poaching efforts for monarchs, donations, and volunteer work.
Background information
The monarch is a butterfly that weights less than half a gram, has a wingspan of four inches, and lives in forest and mountain areas. The life cycle of the monarch butterfly is divided into four stages larvae, caterpillar, cocoon,and butterfly. In March and April the eggs are laid on milkweed plants. They hatch into baby caterpillars, also called the larvae. …show more content…

The abundance of monarchs fluctuates from one year to the next, depending greatly on climatic conditions during the growing season, especially in the spring, when overwintered monarchs begin the journey back northward and reproduce in Southern states. Poachers and illegal farming of the monarch butterfly has made an impact to the population of the monarch. Monarchs still remain a victim of poachers and could one day lead to the extinction of the monarch butterfly.
Possible solutions
Poaching and wildlife crimes are some of the reasons many species join the endangered list every year, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t have the power to stop these horrible crimes.
One way to help, is by signing petitions. Petitions that aid anti-poaching efforts for monarchs and enact the monarchs protection policy change, can benefit the monarchs, and another way to aid monarchs is by donating money and supplies to protect the men and women who face the poachers. Volunteering with anti-poaching units and monarch organizations could also benefit the monarchs.
The population of the monarchs has decreased 90% over the last 20 years.You can help by signing petitions for anti-poaching efforts for monarchs, donations, and volunteer work. “A power of butterfly must be the aptitude to fly, meadows of majesty concedes and easy sweeps of

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