Modern Day Persuasive Speech

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Aries Home is where the glitter is. You’re likely to feel a sudden inspiration to give your space a do-over. Spend time fawning over Pinteresting ideas. Taurus The dark night is always followed by the dawn. Your recent experiences may have left a scar. Work with the forces, Taurus. The wheel of fortune is turning in your favour. Gemini If the world is getting too ‘worldly’ for you, pack your bare essentials and take off on a spiritual sabbatical. Your heart will guide you to the light. Cancer Travel is the best medicine. How to deal with a heartbreak? Pack your essential in a suitcase and take off to an unknown place. In solitude you will find the answers you are looking for. Leo Faith, hope, and trust. You will recover from the dark night of the soul as a 2.0 …show more content…

Instead of crying over a project that fell along the wayside, focus on manifesting lucrative opportunities that will take your career forward. Libra You are not this or that. You are infinite potential in human form. You have no qualms in walking out a situation that isn’t good for you. Create opportunities that let you live like a baws as you do. Scorpio Shift your focus. Instead wasting time complaining about how your career isn’t working for you, manifest new opportunities for growth. Update your CV. Network with all the right people. And get the word out. Sagittarius Hello, wanderluster extraordinaire! So many places to see. So many people to discover. So many experiences to be had. Say yes to solo adventures! Capricorn When you’re stuck in elevator, you could either mourn endlessly about your situation or throw an impromptu party with fellow life residents. It’s all about perspective. You have the opportunity of making the most of your limbo period. Aquarius You emerge from the dark night of the soul as a different person. That smile you’re wearing says, ‘you know not where you’re going, but you trust that the road will take you there’.

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