Misperception In Othello

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Misperception is the most common way of getting tricked. People have the ability to morph themselves into a trust-worthy person by hiding their true selves, and the outcome is a whole new personality. They could easily change their attitude and behavior to make themselves be perceived as reliable, yet their intentions are not to comfort people similarly to Iago in Othello. Othello was written in 1604 by William Shakespeare which portrays how extreme a misunderstanding can get. Roderigo, one of the characters, is heartbroken over not being able to woo Desdemona. Despite Roderigo’s attempts at winning Desdemona over, she ends up eloping with a Moor named Othello. Othello is a well-respected Moor in Venice, as he is the general of the Venetian …show more content…

Othello is ordered by the Duke that he must go to Cyprus because of the war with the Turks. Although Othello wants to go, he is worried about Desdemona's whereabouts when he is gone. Since Brabantio is unwilling to accept that his daughter married Othello without his permission, he does not want Desdemona to come back home. Therefore, Desdemona is going to travel with Othello. Roderigo is heartbroken, and he wants to drown himself. Iago ridicules his statement, and says to Roderigo that he should have his money ready. Thus, Roderigo is able to go to Cyprus with them. Cassio announces that the Turks have lost, but Othello’s ship never arrives. The boat that arrives in Cyprus has only Desdemona, Emilia, Iago, and Roderigo. Cassio takes Desdemona’s hand to talk about Othello. Iago takes that as the opportunity to formulate a plan that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. Roderigo grows despondent, but Iago assures Roderigo that the relationship is temporary. Iago convinces Roderigo that Desdemona might go to somebody like Cassio. Thus, it ignites the jealousy Roderigo has for Cassio. Therefore, he is playing with Roderigo’s mind to go against Cassio. This ignites Roderigo’s jealousy over Cassio, and it goes in favor for Iago because Roderigo will be willing to do what he says. For that reason, Roderigo is confusing Iago for being a friend that is willing to help. Although in reality, Iago is conveniently using Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona against

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