Mind Manipulation In Jonestown And Scientology Cult

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Mind manipulation is a word that had been used carelessly these days. This is because people do not know how it had been used in the past. There are many different ways of manipulating the mind: brain washing, lack of sleep.
Repetition is one of the best way of manipulating the mind, by repeating an idea or an act it gets stuck in the brain longer. This method is used in Jonestown and Scientology cults. Jim Jones lured vulnerable people to his cult, the people he lured were from different races and backgrounds who are insecure. He promised his cult that he will lead a society free of discrimination, which was ideal for a large number of his followers since they were Africian Americans. In addtion, he repetitively made them "rehearse" the act …show more content…

Sleep is essential for thinking clearly and decision making therefore most cults do not allow its members to sleep properly. This method had been used in Jonestown and Scientology cults. Jim Jones made his followers work long hours and rest less so that eventually they did not think for themselves and rely on him to make decisions: " Being in an environment where you are constantly up, constantly busy and you’re made to feel guilty if you take too many luxuries like sleeping, you tend to not to think for yourself and I allowed Jones to think for me, because I figured he had the better plan. I gave my rights up to him, as many others did." (Hue Fortson Jr.). Similarly in Scientology cult such as the Sea Org, Hubbard's followers, such as Adam Holland, were forced to do chores:"His fellow members washed dishes, ironed superior's clothing and swept floors." Also they had to sell his books. "Above all, they sold Hubbard's books." With long hours Adam Holland had lost track of time and did not contact his parents that he had safely arrived in L.A.: " I'd been in such a state of mind that I never even bothered to tell my parents, 'Hey, I'm in L.A., I've been here for 2½ months,'

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