Milk In The Land Analysis

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One reason as to why drinking cow’s milk is so common in the United States is due to all of the information that was being released to the pubic via departments such as the United States Department of Agriculture. For example, “Milk In the Land” displays a commercial that lists elements that reside in milk such as milk sugar, calcium phosphorous, vitamin B, and vitamin G. People were told that if they drink milk that they will grow healthy and strong. However, the popularity of milk is not only because it is nutritious. “Milk In the Land” describes how milk has also been used to promote nationalism and racial superiority. In “Milk in the Land”, a woman can be heard saying that certain people believed that milking drinking is what made the Aryan race superior. Race can be defined as a group of people who share a set of characteristics and are believed to share a common bloodline. Typically, but not always, these characteristics are physical ones. People believed this because Aryans seemed to be healthier mentally and physically than other races. However, many people view this observation as a type of prejudice, or a thought or feeling about an ethnic or racial group which leads to preconceived notions and judgements (often negative) about the group. Hence, if one was not of Aryan race, many people …show more content…

This lead some people to believe that Aryans were the superior race because they had the capacity to tolerate “quality” foods like milk. Beliefs like this somewhat resemble scientific racism. Scientific racism is a string of nineteenth-century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race. So, if one could not tolerate milk, they were most likely not Aryan, and hence, probably weak and

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