Military Women Should NOT Be Allowed in Combat Positions

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There are growing feelings in the United States that, as women are having more rights given to them that were previously restricted, women should be given everything that is offered to men. This is becoming very true in the military, where much sentiment is that women should be given the opportunity to serve in combat arms positions. Women are currently allowed to serve in combat support positions, such as military intelligence and air support positions, but they are not allowed to serve in positions such as infantry, armor, or field artillery. Many believe that it is time to open these positions to women soldiers and allow them to serve in the front lines of combat. Although women are currently allowed to serve in combat support positions in the military, women should not be able to serve in combat positions, because women do not have physical capacity to serve in these positions, would have trouble dealing with the emotional restraint involved in war, and could cause a decline in the morale of their unit.

Those that oppose my idea of continuing to bar women from combat positions feel that it is sexist and politically incorrect. Some feel that limiting women to support positions is insulting to women, and that it is damaging to the relationships between men and women in the military. Furthermore, many believe that women should be given an equal chance to prove themselves alongside men. These people point out that some women may be able to stand up to the rigors that are required in combat arms positions; therefore, these women should be given the opportunity to serve in the military in these positions. The opposition also points out that the military has become more driven toward teamwork, and that a woman who is cap...

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... to allow women the opportunity to prove they worthy to serve in a combat arms position. However, when one sees how much physical strength, mental strength, and unit cohesiveness is required to fight in a war then they may conclude that allowing women to serve in these positions would severely hurt our country's ability to fight effectively in a war. I myself once thought it would be no big deal to allow women to serve in these positions, but after doing research I changed my mind. Women should be given the opportunities to fulfill their dreams if they are able. However, women should be held at the same level as men, and no concessions should be made to enable them to make the standard. Women should not be allowed to serve in combat positions, because the overwhelming majority of women will not be able to improve the system as it is now- and may even damage it.

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