Mike Pompeo Moves From Spying To Diplomacy

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Shane, Scott. “Mike Pompeo, a Hawk Who Pleased the President, Moves From Spying to Diplomacy.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 Mar. 2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/us/politics/pompeo-cia-trump-secretary-of-state.html. Accessed 14 Mar. 2018. S - Mike Pompeo, 54-year-old former Kansas congressman and spy, becoming Secretary of State. O - The scheduled replacement of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson by Mike Pompeo. A - General public P - To assess Pompeo’s abilities, and whether how well they fit his new position. S - Scott Shane, reporter in the Washington bureau of The New York Times. Tone - Dignified, impartial. The New York Times’ writer and reporter in the Washington bureau, Scott Shane, in his politic piece, “Mike Pompeo, a Hawk Who Pleased the President, Moves From Spying to Diplomacy.” (Mar. 13, 2018), analyzes Mike Pompeo’s abilities, and how he will do as Secretary of State. Shane supports their argument by beginning with a brief introduction on Pompeo’s hawkish policies as the CIA director and how his …show more content…

anner and résumé pleased President Trump; then by confirming that Pompeo is soon to become the new Secretary of State; then by summarizing the benefits to Pompeo in that position, as he is ‘the United States’ top spy and top diplomat’;

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