Mexico City's Environment and the Media

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Media portrayal of Mexico City is very alarming. Americans are fearful to have any kind of communication or connections with the city. Especially when they hear the media talk about the high volume of violence occurring in Mexico City. It affects the interest of great corporations, and the partnership with the United States and many other countries that might want any kind of engagement with the City. Mexico City is home of beautiful culture and traditional history, the attractions are the main reason why tourists visit, but few years ago there has been a decline in tourist rates. All of the mention reasons are the aspects that are shaping Mexico City today.

A royal, majestic, loyal eagle in the middle of canals and a greenish cactus, and a solitary snake in its mouth it’s almost a creation of a world we don’t often see. This image is exactly what was finding in the national flag. Today there are “estimated 22 million inhabitants it's the most populous city in the western hemisphere” (NewYorktime2006). This quote published by the New York Times explains that Mexico’s geography is getting much more expanded. Mexico City is known to be “One of the three largest cities they settled on what was then an island in shallow Lake Texcoco and connected it to lakeshore satellite towns by a network of calzadas (canals)”(New York Times 2006). Many presume that Mexico City is under sea levels, and its alarming many of their location.

A very important figure that marked Mexico’s history was not an angel, nor a God but a Mexican peasant his name is Juan Diego. He is very well known in common catholic households; many remember him as the messenger of Virgin de Guadalupe and the Catholic Church. Proud brown looking with a nature ...

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...ste material is pumped into the atmosphere daily” (Riding 1985). There have been many campaigns to protect the city environment; Mexico City is waiting for the outcome.

Mexico City has a lot to offer, but it also affects many. It really depends the reason of your visit. You take the decision but keep in mind what this city has a lot to offer in many aspects. Keep in consideration that I only mentioned a few aspects. Mexico City will welcome you and are willing to open their doors of opportunity for you.

Works Cited

New York Times, fodors edition2006. "Mexico City” travel

About Mexico,2014 “Languages spoken in Mexico: your travel guide

Cave, Damien. September 21, 2013 “For Migrants, “New Land of Opportunity Is Mexico.” New York Times.

Riding, Alan. May 15, 1983 “Warning to third world.” New York Times


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