Metamorphosis Summary

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The first line of the Metamorphosis, which describes Gregor Samsa’s transformation into some sort of vermin, essentially sets the dark, satirical tone throughout the story. Gregor wakes up transformed into a cockroach, and for some reason instead of being worried and concerned about his transformation, he worries about other irrelevant things, such as his job and his family’s financial situation. Gregor’s transformation not only impacted him, but also his family because eventually they would not be able to continue in life without the financial support that Gregor provided for them. Throughout this part of the story we learn more about Gregor’s human life, and how he felt so consumed by his job that he had become alienated from his family, and pretty much all humans. Gregor’s sudden and unexplained transformation gives the story a fantasy-like tone that is quite extraordinary and can be interpreted in many ways. Gregor Samsa was a travelling salesman who spent most of his time working in order to provide for his family. He has a teenage sister, a lazy and selfish...

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