Message In Death Of A Salesman

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Death of a Salesman
An Analysis of Three Messages from Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman is great movie that focuses on many different things. The plot is based on a family and the struggles it has throughout different stages of life. It starts out when the two boys are in high school and the dad is constantly pushing Biff to become something that doesn’t want to be. Death of a Salesman addresses loss of identity and a man's inability to accept change within himself and society. The movie shows memories, dreams, confrontations, and arguments, all of which make up the last 24 hours of Willy Loman's life. There are three main messages in Death of a Salesman.

One message in Death of a Salesman is the message of a dysfunctional family. …show more content…

Willie Lowman has worked his entire life selling and at the end of his life it is taken from him. It seems like the people he worked for don’t really care about him that much because of how easy it is for them to let him go. Willie has dreams of becoming great and his son becoming great. In my opinion, as Willie gets older he sort of lives through Biff. Since he can no longer become a successful and wealthy business man, he wants that for his son. However, Biff has other plans and I think this is what creates a lot of tension between Biff and his father. It also seems odd to me how since Willie has worked 32 years for the same company and basically given his entire life to being a salesman, they just let him go without hesitation. Clearly, Death of a Salesman is a story about unattained …show more content…

We see so much tension within all of the relationships in the story. The ideas of a toxic family and toxic marriage are very applicable to us today. We live in a society where treating your wife like this is socially acceptable when it shouldn't’t be. We live in a society where many kids grow up in dysfunctional families full of physical abuse, mental abuse, and substance abuse. I have definitely grown character from watching this film. There are so many lessons that we can take away from one of the greatest storylines ever, Death of a

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