Merchant Of Venice Analysis

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This story takes place in both Belmont and Venice
Where conflicted character Shylock is viewed as quite the menace.
It is in Venice that gentle and kind Bassanio approaches Shylock and asks for a loan
For he wishes to be with his dearest Portia, a wealthy woman who has money of her own.
Shylock agrees to the demands of all that are asked
It seems as though Bassanio will finally get his money at last.
“Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound,”
Should Antonio break this promise he will lose his flesh, and it will be the weight of a pound.
And just like that the deal has been made
Yet Bassanio worries and he is quite afraid.

Using gold, silver, and lead caskets, Portia will forever be given her kisses
For the man who chooses correctly will be the one to make her a Mrs.
After two failed princes came and went
Portia waited for the final gent.
Finally choosing the casket that was made of lead
Bassanio would be the one to take fair Portia to bed.
Portia then gives Bassanio a ring, having him promise that he would always wear
When just then Gratiano and Nerissa share that they too are a loving pair.
In the midst of all the excitement and celebration Bassanio finds out some awful news
It seems his best friend Antonio has got his flesh to lose.
For it seems that poor Antonio and all his ships at sea
Are all wrecked and under water and the money he can’t guarantee.
Bassanio and Gratiano have gone to go and help their friend
For it is with Shylock’s deal they hope to bend.
What the men do not know is that their women are coming too
But they are coming dressed in disguises that no one will see through.

Now everyone has gone to Venice for the trial to come and take place
Shylock wants Antonio’s flesh and he’s telling every...

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...vered both women's face.
The women explained that they were both the lawyer and the clerk
And that throughout the trial they were hard at work.
The women took their rings knowing that they would be brought back
But made it clear that if they lost the rings again, their women they would lack.

In this story there was a character who was the “The Merchant of Venice
And although many would think so, it was not the one who was portrayed as the menace.
Antonio was the real merchant, for he both sold and he traded
He was also a character who was easily persuaded.
He was so quick to give away his flesh and believed that he could come up with the money
But when he broke the deal, it really wasn’t so very funny.
In the end everything worked out and Antonio was given a clean slate
For he learned his lesson, and knew that a deal like that he was never again going to create.

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