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An essay between mental illness and crime
Relationship between mental illness and crime
Relationship between mental illness and crime
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The notion of the mentally ill being more likely to commit crime is a topic that is highly controversial and sparks much debate. However, I do believe that it is evident that mental illness can cause irrational and sometimes dangerous behavior, which not only do I find threatening, but more so sad. In the case of Luke Batty’s murder by his biological father Greg Anderson, not only do I feel extreme sorrow towards the victim, but I also empathise with the perpetrator, due to the fact that mental illness is clearly mishandled and overlooked in our justice system.
Although I do not condone Greg Anderson’s actions on any level, I do believe that mental illness is something of a capacity to take over a person’s entire being. In my own experiences,
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In the ‘Four Corners’ ABC program, home videos of Luke are shown after he had witnessed his father beating his wife (Thompson & McGregor 2014). It saddened me to see that his mother encouraging Luke to go and stay at his fathers house and justify his actions of beating Rosie Batty as a ‘silly thing Daddy does’ (Thompson & McGregor 2014). I feel extreme sadness and anguish towards this situation, as I believe it is clear Rosie Batty was trying to do the best for her son and she wanted him to have a father figure. This is especially difficult when in situations of broken homes and the known likelihood that crime has a higher chance of occurring, nothing was done to stop this (Bartol & Bartol 2014). I then came to question whether this is to do with our culture. Is the reason why Rosie Batty kept Greg Anderson involved as Luke’s father due to the fact that she succumbed to the expectations of society and their views on broken …show more content…
This is in regard to whether they should inform potential third parties of possible harmful behaviour (Bartol & Bartol 2014, Merkel 1993). This has also been evident in the past, through the Tarasoff Case where it was eventually concluded that the therapist does have some duty to take steps to protect potential individuals from harm (Bartol & Bartol 2014). As Rosie Batty had said in her statement the day after her son had been murdered, there is only so much victims can do to protect themselves, ‘an intervention order doesn’t do anything to stop something like this happening ’ (Thompson & McGregor 2014). In order to protect Rosie and Luke in this situation, I believe it would have been appropriate to inform her of the numerous death threats Anderson made, and the number of charges & arrests made against him (including child pornography). For me this did raise the yet to be solved dilemma of what duty these individuals owe in their line of work. Although a particular case was solved, Tarasoff v. Regents 1974, this answer does not apply to all. However, in saying this, I do believe this heavily disadvantaged the Batty’s as victims, as they had very little awareness of what danger they were to be exposed to. As someone who is very close to their siblings, it sickens me to think that they may be oblivious to the harm
Everyone should be treated equally, should get support and care equally. “Schizophrenic. Killer. My Cousin.” is a true story published on Mother Jones on May-June 2013 issue (non profit organization article) by Mac McClelland. McClelland was formerly Mother Jones’ human rights reporter and writer of “The Rights Stuff”. In it she, talks about her cousin Houston, who had mental illness and at his age of 22 he stabbed his father 60 times with four different knives. Mac McClelland’s aunt Terri also suffered from mental illness at the age of 16. Aunt Terri and Houston were diagnosed with schizophrenia, a brain disorder in which people see reality abnormally. McClelland’s thesis states that well staffed hospital and properly administered antipsychotic medications would have helped Houston like how it did for Terri. The
As science has evolved, so have treatments for mental illnesses have over time. The medical model is described as the view that psychological disorders are medical diseases with a biological origin (King, 2010, pg. 413). Abnormal behavior that categorizes some disorders can be impacted by biological factors such as genes, psychological factors such as childhood experiences, and even sociocultural factors such as gender and race (King, 2010). Treatments such as psychosurgery (lobotomy) , drug therapy (pharmaceuticals), electroconclusive therapy, and psychoanalysis are used to treat a wide range of psychological disorders. Back then, the public’s negative views on mental illnesses also went as far to associate with the people who treated it; psychiatrists. “Nunnally (1961) found that the public evaluated professionals who treated mental disorders significantly more negatively than those who treat physical disorders,” (Phelan, Link, Stueve, & Pescosolido, 2000, pg. 189). People back then didn’t see the point in “paying to be told that they were crazy”. However, in today’s society, it is now acceptable to seek help from psychiatric professionals; we are seeing more and more people seek mental health treatment. “In terms of facility-based records of utilization (Manderscheid and Henderson 1998), the data suggest that the rate of utilization of professional mental health services has at least doubled and maybe tripled, between the 1950’s and today,” (Phelan, Link, Stueve, & Pescosolido, 2000, pg. 189). In the 1950’s, neuroleptic drugs like Thorazine were introduced to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. These drugs block a neurotransmitter called dopamine from getting to the brain, which in turn reduce schizophrenic symptoms, however there are some side effects such as substantial twitching of the neck, arms, and legs, and even dysphoria or lack of pleasure. (King, 2010, pg.
Fifty years ago, a person breaking the law would either be called crazy or a criminal. Today, the mental health community has much more specific diagnoses. However, the explanation of certain behaviors may be difficult because there is much overlap among mental conditions. In Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho, the protagonist, Patrick Bateman, is apparently simply a psychopath. However, Bateman can be diagnosed with other mental illnesses such as Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, narcissism, and antisocial personality disorder. In both the book and film adaptation, Bateman’s actions can be understood more accurately when analyzed in light of modern psychology.
Seltzer, T., 2005, ‘Mental health courts – A misguided attempt to address the criminal justice system’s unfair treatment of people with mental illnesses’, Psychology, Public Policy and Law, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 570-586.
Lamb, H. R. (2004). Mentally ill persons in the criminal justice system: Some perspectives. Psychiatric Quarterly, 108-126.
During Dahmer’s psychiatric evaluation, Dr. Wahlstrom concluded, “Jeffrey was suffering from a mental illness never cured for” (FBI 1992). This leads me to perceive that Dahmer must have been displaying psychotic traits that went unnoticed and undocumented during his early lifetime. I can only speculate that this uncured mental illness lead Dahmer to develop and refine his inability to empathize with society; which in turn, lead him to engage in cruelty without mentally comprehending the victim’s suffering. Although the causes for psychopathy are unclear, some suggest that psychogenic aspects can outline abnormalities which may be present in psychopaths (Schmalleger 2014). When looking at Dahmer’s distant relationship with his parents early on in his childhood, I became conscious of the fact the lack of affection from his parents which may have lead him to develop twisted views on how one should display affection to others, thus prompting him to show psychotic behavior later on in life (The profile of Jeffrey Dahmer 1996). Even though the letter of the law fails to describe Dahmer and even if he was not fit to stand trial, I believe the court would have declared him fit for trial due to the brutality of the
Prior to taking this course, I generally believed that people were rightly in prison due to their actions. Now, I have become aware of the discrepancies and flaws within the Criminal Justice system. One of the biggest discrepancies aside from the imprisonment rate between black and white men, is mental illness. Something I wished we covered more in class. The conversation about mental illness is one that we are just recently beginning to have. For quite a while, mental illness was not something people talked about publicly. This conversation has a shorter history in American prisons. Throughout the semester I have read articles regarding the Criminal Justice system and mental illness in the United States. Below I will attempt to describe how the Criminal Justice system fails when they are encountered by people with mental illnesses.
The issue of executing mentally ill criminals has been widely debated among the public. They debate on whether it is right or wrong to execute a person who does not possess the capacity to think correctly. The mental illness is a disease that destroys a person’s memory, emotion, and prevent one or more function of the mind running properly. The disease affects the way a person thinks, feels, behaves and relates to others.When a person is severely mentally ill, his/ her ability to appreciate reality lack so they aspire to do stuff that is meaningless. The sickness is triggered by an amalgamation of genetic, and environmental factors not a personal imperfection. On the death penalty website, Scott Panetti who killed his mother in-law and father-in-law reports that since 1983, over 60 people with mental illness or retardation have been executed in the United States (Panetti). The American Civil Liberties Union says that it is unconstitutional to execute someone who suffered from an earnest mental illness (ACLU).Some people apply the term crazy or mad to describe a person who suffers from astringent psychological disorders because a mad person look different than a mundane human being. The time has come for us to accept the fact that executing mentally ill offenders is not beneficial to society for many reasons. Although some mentally ill criminals have violated the law, we need to sustain a federal law that mentally ill criminals should not be put to death.
Throughout crime history, the debate of whether criminals that commit heinous acts are responsible for their own actions has remained present in the minds of the justice system and its witnesses. This is exemplified most in Jim Thompson’s, The Killer Inside Me. In this novel we are introduced to the main character, Lou Ford, a deputy sheriff who is plagued by homicidal tendencies that eventually ravage through Central City. Throughout the novel, Lou struggles with a “sickness” akin to schizophrenia that essentially leads him to murder. In Dr. Kenneth Payne’s article titled The Killers Inside Them: The Schizophrenic Protagonist in John Franklin Bardin’s Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly and Jim
Biological crime theory describes that an individual is born with the desire to commit a certain crime. Evolutionary factors influence an individual’s involvement in criminal behavior. “Biological theories focus on aspects of the physical body, such as inherited genes, evolutionary factors, brain structures, or the role of hormones in influencing behavior” (Marsh, I, 2006, 3). Murderers that are innate to kill are born with factors such as mental illnesses that are the driving force as to why one may kill. Because of the biological crime theory, some individuals, though rare, are able to plead insanity. This is because the actions of the individual are said to be beyond their control (Ministry of Justice, 2006, 3).
...t: (http://www.psych.org/public_info/VIOLEN~1.HTM) Government Survey (1990) Violence and Psychiatric Disorders in the Community: Evidence from the Epidemiological Catchment Area Surveys. Hospital and Community Psychiatry (41:761770) Holy Bible (1998) Leviticus Chapter 19 verse 18, King James version (204:2049) Hudson, Thomas (1978) The Laws of Psychic Phenomena. Internet: (http://www.appi.org/pnews/sep20/jail.htm1) (pg.1 & 2) Illinois State Police (1999) Violence in the Workplace Characteristics. Internet: (http://www.state.il.us/ISPviowkplc/vwpp4.htm) Modestin, Jiri (1997) Is Depression A Risk Factor for Crime? Crime Times, Internet: (http://www.crime~times.org/97d/w97dp6.htm) (p.1) National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) (1999) The Criminalization of People with Mental Illness. Summary of the NAMI Policy Platform (1:8) National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) (1999) The Criminalization of People with Mental Illness. Summary of the NAMI Policy Platform (3:8) Taridiff, K. (1980) Assault, Suicide and Mental Illness. Archives of General Psychiatry (37:164169) Webster Dictionary (1988) Unabridged Yapko, Micheal D. (1997) The Art of Avoiding Depression. Psychology Today
Mental Illness is defined as “Any of various conditions characterized by impairing an individual’s normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning. It can be caused by social, psychological, biochemical, or genetic factors. Infections or head trauma can also contribute.” (7)
Crime can be described combination between both behavior and mental factors. This will prove incredibly crucial in the definition of crime in relation to mental illness. Many of those that commit crimes are not convicted due to their illness so it is important to note, for the purpose of this analysis, that all illegal activity is considered crime, regardless of conviction (Monahan and Steadman 1983).
Insanity, automatism and diminished responsibility all play a significant role in cases where the defendant’s mind is abnormal while committing a crime. The definition of abnormal will be reviewed in relationship to each defence. In order to identify how these three defences compare and contrast, it is first important to understand their definition and application. The appropriate defence will be used once the facts of the cases have been distinguished and they meet the legal tests. The legal test of insanity is set out in M’Naghten’s Case: “to establish a defence…of insanity it must be clearly proved that, at the time of committing the act, the party accused was labouring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong.” To be specific, the defect of reason arises when the defendant is incapable of exercising normal reasoning. The defect of reason requires instability in reasoning rather than a failure to exercise it at a time when exercise of reason is possible. In the case of R v Clarke, the defendant was clinically depressed and in a moment of absent-mindedness, stole items from a supermarket...
The subject of this story is a murderer repeatedly trying to prove not his innocence, but his sanity. The speaker begins his confession by addressing the audience, “You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing” (Poe). The rest of the work is an argumentative confession, each image of an attempt to describe “how wisely [he] proceeded,” relying on the generally accepted stereotype of a madman in the 1800s— a raving lunatic completely lacking logical thought and purposeful action; but the reader knows that rationale is not this speaker’s issue; it is not a problem of the mind but of the soul or heart. The idea of ‘moral insanity’ was first introduced by Benjamin Rush in the late 1700s and changed the foundations of psychology and the implications of an insanity plea in court. In an article critiquing Poe’s work, Bynum explains that “where Rush broke with traditional psychiatric theory was in declaring that insanity did not necessarily involve a disorder of the intellect, that the moral faculties alone were capable of succumbing to disease.” Although modern culture and psychologists now identify this condition as ‘antisocial personality disorder,’ (the defining characteristic of both psychopaths and sociopaths), it was extremely controversial for medical professionals at the time. How does one diagnose or