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The snake is associated with both negative and positive, or duality, even in christianity. This is shown in the bible in the story of Adam and Eve.The snake in the tale traditionally has been thought to be Satan the devil. However, in this story the snake resembles Prometheus. It gives the humans something that belongs only to the gods, something he believes the human 's need for survival. It becomes their benefactor. The serpent tempts Eve into eating a fruit from the forbidden tree. She believes what he 's saying. Why? Why is it convincing? The hypothesis is that it knows better because it may have gone through the same experience earlier. Maybe it took the fruit and ate, and that would also explain why and how the snake became the wisest …show more content…

Was she a victim or a villain? Was she always ugly or once Beautiful? She was known as the “serpent Goddess” . All stories agree that Medusa was a gorgon- a terrible monster, she had the face of an ugly woman, with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Some stories say she was born that way, the only mortal of three gorgon sisters born to Echidne, a half-woman, half-snake and Typhon, the worst creature in the world. Another story states she was a beautiful woman born to two earth people named Phorcys and Ceto.There are lessons to be learned from Medusa 's stories. One is that beauty can either be a gift or a curse, depending on how a beautiful woman behaves. Her beauty certainly got Medusa into trouble. The second lesson is that Medusa had more power as a gorgon than she did as a woman. This is how she became known as a guardian or protectress, especially for virgins. The curse of being able to turn men into stone proved to be a warning to all men who would force their unwanted attention on women. Finally, she continued to have power even after her death. Her head continued to kill and her blood spawned her children as well as snakes and coral. That power has continued even to modern times. Several books on women 's rights and liberation have used Medusa 's story along with her head as a symbol of rage. Perhaps every woman has a little of Medusa in her both as beauty and

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