Medieval Weapons Essay

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“All men in medieval times were expected to know how to fight and were expected to readily serve the kind at any moment” (“Middle Ages Weapons”). Weapons and armor were being made and improved all throughout Europe, but predominantly when the last emperor of Rome was defeated. Weapons included things like Bladed hand weapons, blunt hand weapons, polearms, and ranged weapons (McDonaldJames). Armor was made for soldiers and horses. Both were greatly influenced in the medieval era. Inventions other than weapons and armor impact the world today. Medieval inventions, like weapons and armor, influenced other inventions for people of Europe and to today’s society.
Weapons and armor were being made and improved during the last emperor of Rome (“Middle …show more content…

The disease was deadly in many cities where it was impossible to stop it from transmitting from one person to the next, due to the high congestion of people in a small concentration ( The Bubonic Plague was flu-like symptoms that affected the lymphatic system. In the medieval era medicine was not improved enough to cure the bubonic plague. Even when death was inevitable during this time, men were expected to fight (“Middle Ages Weapons”). Soldiers fought during the Hundred Years War, the Battle of Bosworth in England, the Battle of Hastings, the Norman Conquest, and the Wars of the Roses. The Hundred Years War was a struggle between England and France over the French Throne. Weapons began to develop and improve during this time. In the end, England won most of the major battles and yet lost the war. They lost practically all of their territories in France, except for the port of Calais. Interestingly enough, England's general population was not directly affected by the war because it was all fought in France, on the other hand, the French retrieved all of the English territories, but they paid a heavy price. The War of the Roses marked the end of the Medieval Era. This was the fight for the English Throne between the Lancaster and York. In these battles, knights had to fight with weapons that were always …show more content…

Weapons have changed history and aided in the rise and fall of civilizations. Arms and Armor were taken for granted as a part of medieval daily life. “The nobility were characterized not only by their birth, but by the fact that they fought, whether it was on the battlefield or in the tournament. Given this, one can no more understand the medieval world without having an understanding of weapons and armor than one can understand European intellectual development without ever having been exposed to Aristotle”(“The “Evolution”). Weapons were mostly used for knights and nobility. "After all, swords did not get sharper, stronger, or especially more effective after the Middle Ages. They did not evolve as guns did to become more accurate, of longer range, and with faster rates of fire with each successive generation." (Clements ). These weapons and armour influenced the medieval era and began to

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