Medical Marijuana Pros And Cons Essay

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Medical marijuana pros and cons The drug marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world but some people that are ill depend on it to live. According to 2,604,079 people in the united states use medical marijuana. People all over the world have different viewpoints on medical marijuana some think it is bad and some think it is good. This article will be showing you both sides of the debate and how different people view it. Pro side Medical marijuana is good because it can save lives. According to if all states had medical marijuana programs back in 2014, the total savings for Medicaid could have been $1.01 billion. Estimates show Colorado alone will save approximately $14 million a year on prescription meds. Also, according to Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana cannot cause death by overdose. Like i said before if the united states switches to medical marijuana we can save money and use that money for other things …show more content…

According to Turns out, there’s very little scientific evidence that smoking or eating marijuana is effective and safe for treating any medical issues. Scientific evidence would have to come from carefully controlled research studies. Also people can use it as a gateway drug this means that they use the drug for a non medical reason. Like i said before it Turns out there’s very little scientific evidence that smoking or eating marijuana is effective and safe for treating any medical issues. This means that there is not enough evidence that it can help you survive. I also said that people can use it as a gateway drug. An example of this is someone that wants marijuana to use it as a drug will tell their docter that it is not working and they will get a bigger does of the

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