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Benefits of medical marijuana essay
Advantages of legalizing marijuana
Why marijuana should be used for medical use
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Recommended: Benefits of medical marijuana essay
Marijuana is an illegal drug found throughout the United States. Marijuana comes from a unique type of hemp plant called cannabis indicia. About 300,000,000 people use marijuana daily it is described as a non-additive drug that people smoke through a pipe or by rolling it in tobacco paper. There are many reasons why people smoke weed. Medical Marijuana benefits of medical marijuana include relief from pain and muscle spasm, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and anorexia. Benefits are seen in immune function, neuroplasticity, emotional and mood regulation, vascular health and digestive function. Medical Marijuana can ease several disorders, disorders and Personal Issues. Such as Alzheimer's, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Arthritis …show more content…
Marijuana’s incredible healing properties come from its high cannibal oil content and critical levels of medical terpenes and flavonoids. It also contains some tetrahydrocannabinol the molecule that gives the psychoactive effect, which most recreational users are after. Through traditional plant breeding techniques and seed exchanges, growers have started producing cannabis plants that have higher levels of and lower levels of THC for medical use. Although the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved medical marijuana, more and more physicians are starting to reverse their stand on the issue and swear by its effectiveness and health benefits. There are several ways of consuming Medical Marijuana and each ways has its pros and cons. You can use a Joint which is very Harmful to the lungs but very fast working. Vaporizing Medical Marijuana is fast delivering not Harmful to the lungs only problem is these units can be very expensive. You could also use Edibles this is commonly used with children because of its friendly appearance, it has an long lasting relief and the dosage can be very precise but, it can take a half hour or more to actually impact the patient. A very low profile …show more content…
Marijuana has often been presented as one of the safest recreational substances available. This is true many scientific studies support the fact that cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and even cigarettes are more dangerous to the user’s health than marijuana. In addition, the celebrated pharmacological properties of cannabis have led thirty-six states to permit its use as a therapeutic drug for, among others, those suffering from AIDS; various painful, incurable and debilitating illnesses; the harmful side effects of cancer chemotherapy, and glaucoma. Additional research is being conducted concerning the use of marijuana on the treatment of anxiety and mental disorders. Smoking marijuana regularly can damage the cells in the bronchial passages which protect the body against inhaled microorganisms and decrease the ability of the immune cells in the lungs to fight off fungi, bacteria, and tumor cells. For patients with already weakened immune systems, this means an increase in the possibility of dangerous pulmonary infections, including pneumonia, which often proves fatal in AIDS patients. The main respiratory consequences of smoking marijuana regularly are pulmonary infections and respiratory cancer, whose connection to marijuana use has been strongly suggested but not conclusively proven. The effects also include chronic bronchitis, impairment in the function of the smaller air
Marijuana, also known as weed, is a green mixture of dry, shredded leaves and flowers of a hemp plant known as Cannabis sativa. Research has shown that marijuana has been around since the 1920s. People use marijuana because of the after effects. Studies have shown marijuana makes you feel delightful, it increases satisfaction while smoking, if you’re stressed, after smoking the marijuana you’ll be on cloud nine and the stress will no longer be present. Society has influenced people to smoke marijuana more each day.
When marijuana is taken it can have amazing effects on the user, if someone with chronic neck or back pains, severe vomiting and nausea or someone with Neurological conditions uses marijuana it can remarkably relieve them from the pain. Marijuana has potent analgesic properties which can be used to treat a variety of different pains. Medical marijuana as a chronic pain reliever can reduce patients' pain and improve the quality of their life, without the same serious side effects associated with use of some pharmaceutical pain relievers. Marijuana can also be taken as an Anti-emetic which is a drug used to prevent one from vomiting, if a person potentially believes that he or she is going to vomit then smoking marijuan...
With marijuana is becoming legal in some states for medical reasons, other states are still questioning how marijuana can be beneficial and even a problem. In “The Truth about Medical Marijuana” by Carrie Shortsleeve, published in 2013 on the website Men’s Health, Shortsleeve describes how tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, found in marijuana, can be used for medical benefits. In the passage, she explains how the immune system and brain are affected by THC especially if the substance is high in dosage. When Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly, Ph.D., “the director of the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Project,” injured his back, he begins to research what benefits marijuana has when using the drug as medicine, and Shortsleeve shares this with people who maybe considering medical marijuana. Shortsleeve uses statistics, in depth research, and real- life situations to show how some people trust marijuana as medicine; even though, some of these people were once against medical marijuana.
Although this is typically seen with recreational marijuana. Although some effects of patient’s using marijuana, can be that they lose motivation to participate in activities, and they may become tired, because the effects can cause your body to slow down. Marijuana mainly affects the neurons in the brain and the pathways, and when a patient uses marijuana they are inhibiting the normal brain development and the normal function. Effects of medical marijuana will be decreased because it is less potent than recreational marijuana, but may still affect the person. Some short term effects can be impaired memory, inability to problem-solve, and altered sense of time. Long term effects can be learning dysfunction from abnormal brain development, especially in teenagers. Studies have shown that although tobacco is usually the drug that leads to lung complications and problems, patients who smoke medical marijuana can also have lung issues because the drug is irritating to the alveoli. (Morrow,
Marijuana is a drug that is harmful to a person¡¯s health. It has been found to have adverse impacts on one¡¯s mental processes such as memory, attention, judgement, and problem- solving (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2004, p.415). Also, marijuana can interfere with a person¡¯s ability to think rationally and logically. Thus, the lapse in judgement caused by the drug use can lead to risky sexual behaviours and this may result in increasing sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS. Moreover, the long-term use of marijuana may cause chronic breathing problems and cancer ...
The National Institute of Drug Abuse defines marijuana as, “The dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which contains the psychoactive (mind-altering) chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as well as other related compounds” (“DrugFacts: Marijuana”). It was not until the Food and Drug Act of 1906 that marijuana was required to be labeled as an over the counter herbal remedy (“Regulatory Information”).... ... middle of paper ... ...
First of all, some people feel smoking marijuana can get hyper, which providing them the emotion of happiness, and helping them to see the world from a different perspective. However, marijuana will cause a lot of healthy problems to human’s body. Marijuana has many physical effects on human such as rapid heart rate, red eyes and dry mouth. Because the chemical THC will enter into the body when people are smoking it, THC will enter through the bloodstream to the brain. The chemical affects them to feel ecstasy and unreality; therefore, THC will make them feel more confused if people smoke marijuana for a long time. According to, “ Treat marijuana abuse like a health problem” (McMillan, 2007, July 17), it shows using marijuana can cause more serious health issues on human’s body such as bronchitis, emphysema, and cancer. In addition, using marijuana has also been linked to lung damage and affects the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. For example, if marijuana ...
So far, twenty-three states have legalized cannabis for medical uses. Originally, medical marijuana was use for lesser ailment like pain or insomnia due to the lack or research. Then as people started to do more research they realized marijuana could actually help patient with more serious conditions like glaucoma, or to help those who suffer form seizures, or even to fight cancer. Marijuana helps people with cancer a great deal. For starters, the chemicals in marijuana make patients hungry and help to keep patients strong. Second, research has shown promising evidence that the chemicals in cannabis fight the spreading of cancer cells and even help to kill cancer cells. Medical marijuana also helps to prevent users from obtaining other serious afflictions. Currently, researchers are studying the way the chemicals in marijuana effect amyloid plaques. Amyloid plaques, are the number one cause of Alzheimer’s disease, and researchers now believe marijuana use can help fight and help prevent this horrible disease. All of these studies could help to one day make incredible break throughs in modern medicine, and possibly find cures for Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Medicinal marijuana is just one reason for the legalization of
worship, and for intoxication. Marijuana itself comes from the Indian Hemp Plant. It is the third most widely used drug in the United States. States, according to a survey taken in 1988, and it is the number one. illegally used drugs in the United States.
In an the article titled medical use of marijuana the topic is that of people who uses marijuana for medical reasons verses those who uses it just because. There are indications that marijuana is sometimes used to alleviate pain from cancer, to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, and to mitigate the wasting syndrome of AIDS. Studies have suggested that the medical use of marijuana is common among people with HIV/AIDS (CAMJ). There was a survey that involved telephone interviews with Ontario male adults eighteen years and older and completed with 2508 people. In the weighted sample 49 respondents reported using marijuana for a medical reason in the year preceding the survey, a total of 173 respondents reported using marijuana, but not for medical reasons. The remaining 2305 respondents in the weighted sample reported no use of marijuana in the preceding year (CAMJ). In this article it was also stated that compared with nonusers, those who use marijuana for any reason tend to be younger, more likely to have alcohol problems and more likely to have used cocaine in their lifetime. Those who use marijuana for medical reasons were similar to other users but more likely to use cocaine. About 2 percent of the population can claim the right to use marijuana for medical reasons, considering their needs, confronts the growth of a system to make sure they have entry to quality-controlled marijuana for medical use and could increase arguments for decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. The use of marijuana for any reason was linked with a male, comparative youth, smoking cigarettes, a lot of drinking, and the use of cocaine (CAMJ). Additional research has to be performed to decide whether uses with alcohol, drugs and other lifestyle choices influence the want for marijuana use and viewpoint in its medical benefits.
For thousands of years human beings have attempted to find ways to get passed the struggles of their lives. With the pain of the world stopping people from enjoying simple pleasures, sometimes there is a need for help. Marijuana brings millions of people relief from the pain they feel on a day-to-day basis. This completely natural plant which helped so many people has puzzled the leaders of our nation for a long time. The THC in marijuana causes its users to experience a mild-huluciginic or high. The effect that marijuana has on a person has prevented the product from being legalized. Many other details about the plant, like the speculation of it being a gateway drug, have put another blockage on its legalization. Even though there are speculations about the plant, the benefit that it brings to the table most definitely out way its disadvantages. Marijuana can also alleviate several symptoms associated with cancer and Aids treatments and disorders. While Marijuana is effective as a medicine, it is also extremely lucrative. The economic benefits that Marijuana brings to the table are endless. Upon marijuana’s legalization, the economy would experience an immediate influx. Legalization of Marijuana would also drastically reduce crime in our cities and form a more productive society through its positive uses. The benefits that marijuana brings medically and economically are considerable enough to legalize its use medically or recreational.
Medical marijuana has been used for centuries to combat pain, weakness, anxiety, insomnia, female problems and nausea. Today it is commonly used by cancer and AIDS patients to stimulate hunger, combat nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy or other drug therapy and reduce pain. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing eye pressure, especially in the cases with glaucoma. Medical marijuana, or cannabis, is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and there is some evidence of cannabis being used medicinally for over four thousand years. Many believe that medical marijuana is a healthy and natural alternative to dangerous and toxic pharmaceuticals that often have side effects worse than the original condition. The United Sates declared marijuana a narcotic and declared it illegal with the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.
Marijuana is a drug produced from the Cannabis plant, which is used to produce several kind of drugs. It is illegal an illegal substance under federal law, but some states passed legislation, that allowed the use of medical marijuana. Some states like Colorado and Washington went further and legalized the sale and consumption of small amounts of weed. In the Netherlands, marijuana is legal too.
Have you ever felt that you have been unfocused for a long period of time? You might want to think about Medical Marijuana. Medical marijuana can be helpful to a person’s health if used properly. Marijuana helps people focus, it also helps deaths go down, and it will help the economy. That is why medical marijuana should be legalized.
Medical marijuana is a type of medicine that is derived from a plant, scientifically named cannabis. Medical marijuana can sometimes suggested, not to be confused with prescribed, by a doctor for a patient to take if the doctor feels like the patient is truly needing it. Medical marijuana can not be prescribed because the drug is illegal, and doctors are not aloud to prescribe an illegal drug. The process by which marijuana help heals a person can be very confusing, but understood if enough research is spent on the topic. In a marijuana plant, there are over seventy active cannabinoids (Greenwell 68). The cannabinoid receptors have been found to hinder the evolution of invasive cells (Courtney 1). Medical marijuana applies itself to the cannabinoid