Medical Marijuana Benefits

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Marijuana is an illegal drug found throughout the United States. Marijuana comes from a unique type of hemp plant called cannabis indicia. About 300,000,000 people use marijuana daily it is described as a non-additive drug that people smoke through a pipe or by rolling it in tobacco paper. There are many reasons why people smoke weed. Medical Marijuana benefits of medical marijuana include relief from pain and muscle spasm, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and anorexia. Benefits are seen in immune function, neuroplasticity, emotional and mood regulation, vascular health and digestive function. Medical Marijuana can ease several disorders, disorders and Personal Issues. Such as Alzheimer's, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Arthritis …show more content…

Marijuana’s incredible healing properties come from its high cannibal oil content and critical levels of medical terpenes and flavonoids. It also contains some tetrahydrocannabinol the molecule that gives the psychoactive effect, which most recreational users are after. Through traditional plant breeding techniques and seed exchanges, growers have started producing cannabis plants that have higher levels of and lower levels of THC for medical use. Although the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved medical marijuana, more and more physicians are starting to reverse their stand on the issue and swear by its effectiveness and health benefits. There are several ways of consuming Medical Marijuana and each ways has its pros and cons. You can use a Joint which is very Harmful to the lungs but very fast working. Vaporizing Medical Marijuana is fast delivering not Harmful to the lungs only problem is these units can be very expensive. You could also use Edibles this is commonly used with children because of its friendly appearance, it has an long lasting relief and the dosage can be very precise but, it can take a half hour or more to actually impact the patient. A very low profile …show more content…

Marijuana has often been presented as one of the safest recreational substances available. This is true many scientific studies support the fact that cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and even cigarettes are more dangerous to the user’s health than marijuana. In addition, the celebrated pharmacological properties of cannabis have led thirty-six states to permit its use as a therapeutic drug for, among others, those suffering from AIDS; various painful, incurable and debilitating illnesses; the harmful side effects of cancer chemotherapy, and glaucoma. Additional research is being conducted concerning the use of marijuana on the treatment of anxiety and mental disorders. Smoking marijuana regularly can damage the cells in the bronchial passages which protect the body against inhaled microorganisms and decrease the ability of the immune cells in the lungs to fight off fungi, bacteria, and tumor cells. For patients with already weakened immune systems, this means an increase in the possibility of dangerous pulmonary infections, including pneumonia, which often proves fatal in AIDS patients. The main respiratory consequences of smoking marijuana regularly are pulmonary infections and respiratory cancer, whose connection to marijuana use has been strongly suggested but not conclusively proven. The effects also include chronic bronchitis, impairment in the function of the smaller air

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