Medical Marijuan Video Analysis

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I found a variety of information in this video interesting and new. For instance, I was shocked by the fact that marijuana can lead to psychosis, as well as other long-term issues. I also did not know that using marijuana between the ages of 12-25 can cause the most dramatic effects, which reminded me of the concept of having “critical periods” in which our brains are developing and are very impressionable. Furthermore, the use of medical marijuana had always confused me in the past; I had simply thought of marijuana as being bad for you, whether recreational or otherwise. Although I’ve heard of some benefits, I didn’t quite understand how using marijuana medicinally could truly help anyone. The speaker, Janice Gabe, pointed out the differences between Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is what causes the …show more content…

Gabe went on to point out that marijuana that is used medically would have to be higher in CBD than THC so that benefits such as shrinking tumors, lowering anxiety, and so on, can be obtained. I also found it interesting that use of marijuana for just 5 or more days in a month could affect cognitive ability in terms of academics, as Gabe pointed out in one of the studies she spoke of. Another study, which was longitudinal and followed boys from middle school until age 35 found that continual marijuana use resulted in a decrease in IQ as well as no gain of those extra IQ points that others gain as they get older. In terms of the marijuana itself, I had no idea that the potency has increased dramatically since the 1960s, which was 1-2%, to an average of 15% today; that, coupled with the fact that the potency has a significant effect on the brain, is especially troubling. As a college student who knows individuals who smoke marijuana, I now have a heightened awareness of the dangers of marijuana, which are much more expansive than I would have ever originally

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