The Literature "Media-Sport" is a term, according to Miquel de Moragas, Director of the Institute of Communication and the Centre for Olympic Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, was derived as a result from the relationship between media and sport. He defined it as "one of the major forms of entertainment in modern societies but, as the cultural theory has clearly shown, these forms of entertainment are also forms of production and a privileged vehicle for the broadcast of ideas about identity, social- relationships, cultural exchange, etc" (De Moragas, 1996) . In addition, "Media-Sport" has become one of the main venues to demonstrate the rituals, customs and traditions of social and cultural relationships on a worldwide scale. (De Moragas, 1996) Though there is plenty of literature available analyzing both sport and media, yet there is limited literature on the relationship between sports journalists and sports organizations. Only few scholars have shown interest in this part and it is only because they have been sports media themselves. The relationship with the media is vital, essential and fundamental to the political and cultural economy of sport. Nicholson (2007) confirms that the relationship between sport and the media since the beginning of the 21st century has become a crucial and essential marketable and profitable cultural connection for the two businesses. (Zion et al 2011) add that due to the massive increase in television audiences and revenues of advertising, sports have become of great value to the media. Moreover, through its directly buying of the sports events’ rights and world- class competitions, Media has therefore become the main sponsors and the right holders of marketing, advertising and the ... ... middle of paper ... ..., there is a ‘symbiotic’ relationship between sports media and sports organizations. But, this relationship is tensed, sensitive and edgy and therefore, the expected ‘mutual benefit’ is not fully achieved. Thus, one needs to understand what have come between these two sides that drove them apart. In other words, what were the reasons that created such a gap between both sides and how could this study help mend the cracks that are marring the Media-Sport relationship? Accordingly, this paper intends to delve into understanding more about the relationship between sports organizations and media. It will also evaluate the efficiency, competence and level performance of the already existing media departments and find out why they are not functioning well and find out why some sports organizations do not have their own media departments to deal with sports journalists.
Over the centuries, the media has played a significant role in the shaping of societies across the globe. This is especially true of developed nations where media access is readily available to the average citizen. The media has contributed to the creation of ideologies and ideals within a society. The media has such an effect on social life, that a simple as a news story has the power to shake a nation. Because of this, governments around the world have made it their duty to be active in the regulation and control of media access in their countries. The media however, has quickly become dominated by major mega companies who own numerous television, radio and movie companies both nationally and internationally. The aim of these companies is to generate revenue and in order to do this they create and air shows that cater to popular demand. In doing so, they sometimes compromise on the quality of their content. This is where public broadcasters come into perspective.
Rowe, David. Critical Readings: Sport, Culture and the Media. Open University Press: England, 2004. (pp. 210- 228)
Huffman, S., Tuggle, C. & Rosengard, D.S. . How Does Campus Media Cover Sports? The Gender-Equity Issue, One Generation Later. Mass Communication & Society, 2004, 7(4), 47589. Min Soo, K. Steven, M. & Co. Acceptability and Ethics of Product Placement in Sport Video Games.
This is a case study on the impact that the media has on People of color in sports. This cases study will show the central issue, what 's at stake, who 's involved and their point of view, actions or consideration to address this issue, the efforts to address issue working and why or why not these efforts working.
Sports have undoubtedly had a global impact on culture. From ordinary, popular sports such as running to more blatantly bizarre and obscure activities such as extreme ironing, the world-wide appeal of athletic activities in society has led to their integration in a variety of cultural outlets such as television, social media, journalism, and film. Extending from this desire for athletic competition is the equally ravenous appetite for talented athletes who ultimately transform the sports in which they play. One particular form of communicative media, classical literature, has largely been influenced by society’s desire for the epic athlete, enabling a spectrum of authors from Plato to Hemingway to cater to this audience. Transcending the multitude
Media: are the main sources of news, entertainment and promotional messages. For example: television, newspapers magazines and radio.
Media plays a large role in affecting peoples thinking, opinions, ideas, etc. In essence media can shape our thinking into negative views and perspectives that are typically not true. Sometimes the media plays as a puppet master to society. Specifically, the inequity of the gender roles within sports causes for a stir in commotion that calls for some attention. In doing so the inadequate misuse of media towards women in sports causes low exposure, amongst many other things. On the other hand their male counterparts are on the other end of the success spectrum. Because of this noticeable difference, it is vital that action is taken place to level out equality within sports. Due to the power of media, it is believed that a change in media coverage
Lenskyj, H. (1998). 'Inside Sport' or 'on the margins'?: Australian women and the sport media. International Review For The Sociology Of Sport, 33(1), 19-34. doi:10.1177/101269098033001002
Traditional media such as newspapers served as the main medium for sports fans to receive information about their favorite athletes and sports teams. Newspapers
Media or medium of communication has been conceptualized to effect and drive information to the greater masses because it’s the venue where information can be linear form of communication. This essay will discuss what it is meant by media according to online Business Dictionary defines as the communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated.” This may include broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet, the Business Dictionary further includes in this definition.
There are many contradictory arguments about cross-media ownership. Some people said it is an effective way to manage media company. Also, some people argue that a media company can offer high quality information and product since they have broad network and huge capital. This information and product cannot be made with small capital. However, there are concerns that media concentration affects our society negatively.
This chapter provides background information on the research topic. The first section provides a general overview of the anthropology of sports with sub-headings of anthropologists and their contributions to the study of sport and the body in the anthropology of sport. The second section provides a description of sport studies. The third section of the chapter sheds light on the meaning and application of sport. The fourth heading provides literature on relevant subjects to the anthropology of sports and sport studies. Finally, the fifth heading provides concluding thoughts for the chapter.
Some examples of these forms of mass media are cosmopolitan magazine for young modern women and TSN television network for sports fans. With such extreme varieties of mass media existing in today's societies there are three major constraints that seem to have an impressionable impact. These constraints can keep mass media very restricted. The major constraint of mass media is competition. Each form of mass media wants to be the one to target the audience, so therefore competition between mass media is very strong, because capturing the inside of the sports world is critical. Apart from the competition among the various forms of media there is also competition among each form of the media example Fox network competes with all television networks for a market share of the audience.
This method helps both the media company and sports event gain more viewers and increases revenue through sponsorship. Media coverage of sports can also serve as a learning tool for those who watch, as they will learn the rules of the game. The younger generation benefits from the role models that they follow through how the media covers them. Media coverage can also serve as a learning technique for professional players of the leagues as it can help their performance for the next game. The media does keep you informed about news you normally wouldn’t know about until the game has started such as if a player will play or not. This also affects your fantasy teams. From a business standpoint the media delivers far more then anyone could have imagined, which is valuable when it comes to whom they are sponsoring.
Finally, observing the traditional organizations and how they used to associate themselves to the physical forms by which they distributed their products – television broadcasting company, radio broadcasting company, newspaper, book or magazine publisher. Recently, these media firms had to restructure their business in order to be successful in this digital world. Hence, they had to widen their delivery medium rather than limiting it, and be exploiters of content wherever content is available to be exploited.