Mcdonalds Sign Parabola

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Mcdonalds Sign Parabola Our project consists the data for the parabola of the Mcdonald's sign. X 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 10.61 18.29 23.08 24.96 23.95 20.03 The vertex of our Parabola is (4.15, 25). The vertex shows the maximum height of the Mcdonald’s arch. Our vertex form equation is y= -1.45(x-4.15)2 +25. Our standard form is y=-1.45x2+12.02x+.06. Axis of Symmetry is x=4.15. The X- intercept is (0,0) (0, 8.3) and the Y-intercept is (0,0). This shows that the horizontal range is 8.3. The domain (0,8.3). The domain explains the width of the Mcdonald’s arch. The range is (0, 25). Our range explains the maximum height that the Mcdonald’s arch can reach. Our predicted points for our data are, (13, -88.57) and (-2, -29.84). These points show the

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