Maya Angelou Still I Rise

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Still I Rise is a poem written by Maya Angelou. The poem is a response to all people that have discriminated her because of her gender or race. She describes her strength on how she stands up against her criticism. This poem helps empower people by overcoming the negativity. This poem has helped me understand the life she lived and also depicts how I can also stay positive in a terrible condition.

One part of the poem that stood out was “Like I’ve got oil wells, Pumping in my living room” and “Like I’ve got gold mines, Diggin in my own back yard”. During her lifetime, she was treated unequal due to her race and gender. Being a black female, she was discriminated against and treated badly. Even though the discriminators thought they could control …show more content…

This is how I would want to face my struggles. Having the sense of confidence and defiance on the other people opinion, I would like to prove them wrong. Angelou’s use of “You” helps involve people in the poem. I felt personally I could relate to the discrimination she depicts. The stereotypes created society have caused the discrimination people face a lot. People have told me I had small eyes or that I shouldn’t drive when I grow up, due to my race. Even though they don’t affect me that much, I think the message of confidence and defiance of people opinion is amazing as this poem teaches people to prove them wrong. In society, discrimination is pretty common. Black people like Maya Angelou are still being treated unequally. There have been many unjustly deaths, due to the heavy brutality from police force. An example of this was Freddie Grey who died after a spinal injury. Eyewitnesses reported that police used unnecessary force during the arrest causing the injuries. Currently there are groups trying to stop the inequality. Using the #BLACKLIVESMATTER, they try to raise awareness of the profiling being done on black people. We as a society need to find …show more content…

At age 7, her mother’s boyfriend raped her. Her rapist was convicted, but turned up dead a few days later. Angelou believed his death was caused by her words causing her to silence herself for six years. With the help of reading books, she spoke again and believed words had a stronger power to them. Using her experience being discriminated for being black and a female, she details her experience in books and poems and influences society to understand the real situations she faced and the motivations she uses to empower her.

Overall I think this poem is amazing, as it really helped me become more confident. The way Maya Angelou involved us by using “You” helped me understand the struggles she faced growing being black and a female. I think the way she deals with the people is great and I will be using her poem as a motivation for

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