Maya Angelou

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Maya Angelou demonstrates the theme in “Still I Rise” of, Through perseverance anyone can rise up to challenges in their lives, by Figurative language, Symbolism, and Repetition. First of all, She uses Figurative Language to show the theme to the reader by describing how people act to her. According to the Angelou, “You may shoot me with You words you may cut me with your eyes You may kill me with your hatefulness.” This tells how people talk to here look at here and hate her because she is African american. Also, according to Angelou, “I walk like I’ve got oil wells pumping in my living room, I laugh like i’ve got gold mines diggin’ in my own backyard.” This shows that although she may be poor or a slave she acts like she has no worries and that she doesn’t care that she is poor or is an slave. These tie back to the theme of, Through perseverance anyone can rise up to challenges in their lives, because she said “May” she means that she doesn't care that others discriminate her for her race. That is how Maya Angelou with figurative language she demonstrates the theme. …show more content…

In the poem, Angelou says, “I am a black ocean, leaping and wide, welling and swelling I bear in the tide.” This is clear when she says that she is a ocean, like the ocean she can’t be stopped by anyone or anything and she keeps rising when she can. This comes back to the theme, because she says that she is a ocean, and like oceans she will not be stopped by anything to rise up. That is how the theme is established because of

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