May Fly Research Paper

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Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

There are two flies to which the term May-fly is applied. The first, which is known by anglers generally as the May-fly, is the green drake, a large yellowish fly, which makes its appearance on some streams in great numbers, from the middle to the end of June. Trout are very fond of them, seizing greedily every unlucky individual that ventures on the water; and a couple of them put on a small hook, and allowed to play on the surface will be found very effective, particularly in woody places. It is subject, however, to the great objection of being almost as difficult to catch as the trout themselves; so that as far as angling, at least in Scotland, is concerned, it hardly deserves attention. …show more content…

The best casts, however, in any condition of water, are where the stream runs below the bank. There trout may be depended upon, if the angler casts to within a foot of the edge; and as the current is not so strong at the edge as a foot further out, the angler must endeavour to keep his line out of the main current, or his flies will come down too fast. Unlike the creeper, the May-fly is most killing when the waters are large and dark-coloured, and must then be used close to the edges; the angler will seldom get a trout in the centre of the current. The deep and strong sides of pools and streams, within a foot of the edge, are the best places; but every spot where a tuft of grass or projecting bush or bank affords shelter to a trout should be fished with great care.

A rapid sweep of water past some dry channel can always be relied upon, as the channel produces flies in abundance, and some, trout are sure to be on the outlook for them. Greater nicety in casting is requisite in using this bait than any other, as if the angler casts half-a-foot too far out, when the waters are flooded, his labour will be in vain. When the waters are clear, trout will occasionally take in the centre of the stream; but the edges are always mostly to be depended upon, as the trout wishing to feed upon the May-flies come to the edges to look for

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