Matt Rott Critical Making Summary

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Matt Rott underlines that critical making is an important term within open design. According to Matt Rott when it comes on to open design in hardware and software, creators, educators and viewers gain unique opportunities towards interacting with technology in a visionary and physical manner this is where critical making comes in. Rott further begins to explain that “Rather than just bemoaning the restrictions placed on users by institutionalized technological systems, engaged makers have the increasing ability and opportunity to constitute and construct alternatives” (Rott……). Critical makers can now create a space where there is no restriction from anyone. However it is not designed to change the structure. Alternatively, it is use to present …show more content…

Matt Rott ()see’s the linkage as important for three reason; “first, as a way of overcoming the ‘brittle’ and overly structural sense of technologies that often exists in critical social science literature; second, as a way of creating shared experiences with technologies that provide joint resources for transforming the socio-technical imagination; and third, as a site for overcoming problematic disciplinary divides within technoscience” (). Overall Critical making is a way to think of technology in a new light, gain shared experiences and to interact with our production and consumption methods. Critical making is use to address the blend of Objective labour and material, also it points out the importance of critical design and practices. Critical making system can provide for viewers wish that are not label in the public forum. Critical making is often ignoring as it isn’t a natural understanding for people like critical thinking is. Critical making centers on creating procedures as a …show more content…

The public broadcast is where television is used to serve the public. Television is used a democratic device in the public sector. The private broadcast is used to obtain profit, it doesn’t care about the audience, and they only care about making money. In Chapter 2 Miller looks at how public broadcast is still part of the competition of audience attention. According to Toby Miller “Public broadcasters do not eschew competition- in fact, they operate internal markets for resources in addition to commissioning a large amount of programming from private producers, and compete for audience attention” (p.51). Miller spends the chapter examining this theory by studying the history of television, labour market and globalization. At the start of television public broadcasting had the control. They were the one bringing the public information about the War that was going on. After the war, television began to become popular, and a lot of household began to obtain them. The point of the television during this era was to motivate viewers to tune in; however they didn’t want them to produce. Public broadcast had to portray unity and diversity, which became a struggle. Satellites network then started too appeared. Station where now able to provide information both national and international. Once public broadcasting began to have advertisement. The information they started to feed the audience began to

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