Material And Design Research

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Relationship between Material – Design – Retail
From above we understand the meaning of material but the relation between Material and Design is like what a key do to the lock. Materials selection is a central aspect of design in many cases materials represent the supporting step. It involves seeking the best match between the design requirements and the materials attributes.

Materials play significant role in design beside the functional attributes, even the emotional and aesthetic qualities also helps as much as the form and function does. The surface texture, softness or hardness or the translucency or other features of the material have an effect on the way the designs are perceived.

Nowadays the knowledge of materials is essential from technical properties to expressive sensorial properties in order to produce a good aware design. The design should able to exploits the most appropriate way the potentials and limits of the chosen material. Thus in design to have edge over the competitors, have led to innovating new kinds of material which suggest new products. And also due to the advancements in modern technology, the range and variety of innovative & interesting materials have increased way beyond basic materials such just wood, metal and plastic.

With time the focus of people changed towards different areas in material front. As major pollution problems can be seen from emergence of energy crisis i.e. fossil fuel to global warming. The concept of sustainability and green design have developed. Around the globe the designer, architects, engineers and manufacturers are interested in an increase in the recycling rate in order to optimally utilize the resources. This increased occurrence has not only been positive for the e...

... middle of paper ... a form of art with sustainability into account (In many cases). Besides being innovative these material are also aesthetically appealing, making them competitive to other basic materials.

As retail designer one has to be up to date with all kinds of materials as lack of knowledge can turn into a loss of opportunities. In today’s time a deeply innovative design is favoured by smart explorative materials. One can see that retailers are getting into smart materials which are cost effective, recyclable and sustainable in nature. But they are still used at micro level. In coming years one can see all smart materials being used at large scale. And there will be increase in innovative materials development which will use more complex technologies but can be easily articulated. Also the basic materials, possibly will be completely replaced with recyclable alternatives.

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