Mass Shooting Case

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October 1, 2017 is now a memberable date of the deadliest mass shooting in US history. The horrific event began when Stephen Paddock checked in at the Mandalay Bay on the Las Vegas strip days before, having in his possession 42 guns, 1600 rounds of ammunition, and 90 pounds of chemical explosives. His room was angled towards the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival, where he fired multiple rounds towards the ground killing 59 people and injuring 527. When police arrived to Paddock’s hotel room, they found him on the floor with a bullet to the head, dead. Eric Paddock, his brother said, “He did not have any criminal record, military history, nor was he the ‘type’ of person to do such a horrific action” (BI). What was the cause of Stephen’s …show more content…

Professor John White states, “There’s no mass murder gene, but there are heritable traits, meaning that he inherits some part of the brain that, given the right circumstances, may bring out these behaviors” (RCP). Stephen’s actions could have been linked to those of his father causing him to have such a manic episode for the mass shooting. Another cause that investigators and scientists have come to the conclusion of is his brain. When family and friends heard that Paddock was the one who killed and injured people at the festival they could not believe it because of the type of person they knew him as. They were shocked because just days before the shooting Paddock sent his wife to her home country with money. Now, Paddock’s brain is being sent to Stanford for further dissection to determine if he suffered from a stroke, blood vessel diseases, tumors, multiple sclerosis, or anything that can cause the brain to have fear or aggression (CNN). There is still no explanation for Paddock’s actions, but the night of the incident was a nightmare for the Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center just blocks away from the …show more content…

Five chaplains stood by, hoping against the dismal ritual of death” (USA TODAY). On October 1, 2017 Sunrise’s ER treated 199 patients in six hours related to the shooting. The Sunrise Hospital was extremely packed with new patients continuously coming in. Kevin Menes was one of the many doctors helping each and every wounded person from the shooting, but still said “They’ll handle it” (USA TODAY). Besides the fact of the people involved in the shooting, Las Vegas took a toll on their tourist demand. “Electronic billboards that typically promote restaurants, concerts, a topless pool, and other entertainment are now showing a dedicated phone line for victims and their families, along with words of appreciation for first responders and casino employees” (ABC). There is an economic effect, although people are still traveling in and out of Las Vegas, their demand is predicted to decrease because not as many tourists are coming. Morgan Stanley said, “...the shooting will decrease demand for the Las Vegas market for about six months and have a 4-6% economic effect”

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