Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Virginia Woolf in A Room of One's Own tells the reader that she believes, a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. One might not believe right away that anyone needs these things just to write, however, after doing research her logic can be back up with things like Motivational Theory in Psychology called Maslow's Hierarchy of need. She explains that women aren't able to achieve a room and money due to the oppressed society that they live in. Women have been deprived of these things and because of this woman have produced less impressive works of literature compared to men in her time.
To begin Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was developed by Abraham Maslow in the 1940's. This is the core principle of Maslow's theory …show more content…

The longer someone waits to fulfill a need the more they will begin to need it. For example, the longer they wait to eat the hungrier they will get or the longer they wait to get inside from the cold the colder they will become. In order to climb the pyramid, one must take care of the basic needs first. If things like basic shelter are not taken care of one cannot do things like feeling secure or fulfill their friendships. However, just like a staircase, one can go up and down in the hierarchy pyramid. If something was to happen to the lower levels of the pyramid it would likely crumble. For example, someone has a house fire and they lose everything inside, they no longer have the base of their pyramid and it becomes more difficult to maintain the higher level …show more content…

First off, women are excluded in the very first tier, these are the biological and physiological needs. A woman does not have a place where she can physically be alone so that she may express creative thoughts in order to create and write fiction. Next, in the second tier, she is excluded from safety needs. In the beginning of the story, she is not able to walk on the turf and a man makes her move onto the gravel and she loses her little fish of an idea. The rules state that she cannot walk on the turf or go into a library without a man. Without freedom, she is not able to be as freely creative as say a man, without being interrupted. The second tier is also stability, one generally needs money in our world in order to be stable. Up until recently when Virginia Woolf was writing this story were women allowed to keep the money they earned. However, would that be enough for a woman to support themselves and be stable? If one is not financially stable they cannot focus on higher tier

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