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Men are not often acknowledged as victims of rape. Because of this fact, Paul D is left questioning his masculinity and in a sense his identity. Since he is not able to protect himself from being raped, he realizes the lack of control he has in his life, which he extends to love in general. If he cannot protect himself, he will not be able to protect others, especially the ones he cares the most about, his loved ones. Paul D does not allow himself to love fully, which is apparent in his criticism that Sethe’s “love is too thick” (193). As men are traditionally thought to be the providers and protectors of the family, Paul D is insecure about his ability to fulfill this role as a man. This uncertainty causes Paul D to prohibit himself to get too close to anyone and thus prevents himself to love too much as they can be taken away or he will not be able to defend them against harm. …show more content…
From the physical assault and rape, Sethe and Paul D repress their feelings and memories, which has dire consequences.
Most notably, the infanticide of Beloved haunts her in the appearance of her dead daughter, Beloved. Beloved figuratively and literally consumes Sethe as Beloved “was getting bigger…[while] the flesh between her mother’s forefinger and thumb [faded]. [Denver] saw Sethe’s eyes bright but dead, alert but vacant, paying attention to everything about Beloved” (285). Sethe becomes smaller and less vibrant and her focus is completely centered on Beloved. This consumption indicates “Sethe will not survive her relationship with Beloved – that is, her struggle with her traumatic past – without help from the larger community and Paul D” (Field 10). Until the community helps Sethe, she will constantly be fixated on providing and atoning for her violent actions toward Beloved. In this fight for forgiveness, Sethe reveals why she had to kill
her: “[Denver] knew Sethe’s greatest fear was the same one Denver had in the beginning – that Beloved might leave…That before Sethe could make her understand what it meant…That anybody white could take your whole self for anything that came to mind. Not just work, kill, or maim you, but dirty you. Dirty you so bad you couldn’t like yourself anymore. Dirty you so bad you forgot who you were and couldn’t think it up…she could never let it happen to her own. The best thing she was, was her children. Whites might dirty her all right, but not her best thing, her beautiful, magical best thing – the part of her that was clean” (Morrison 295-296). Because the white men have dirtied Sethe, she lacks self-love as she indicates that the best thing about her is her children as they have not been touched by them. This vulnerability and insecurity that the white men have instilled in her is apparent in her questioning of her identity, and by the white men raping her, Sethe believes that she will not be able to be released from all of the pain they have caused. The dirtiness she describes is a lingering characteristic she associates with herself from them and because the white men have not hurt her children they are clean. Her justification for killing Beloved and attempting to kill all of her children is that she did not want the white men to dirty them and feel unsure of their worth. Sethe has feelings and memories that she does not want to address because they are too difficult for her to fully process, which is also seen in Paul D. Paul D conceals his feelings in his “tobacco tin heart.” When telling Sethe about Mister, he stops himself because “He would keep the rest where it belonged: in that tobacco tin buried in his chest where a red heart used to be. Its lid rusted shut. He would not pry it loose now in front of this sweet sturdy woman, for if she got a whiff of the contents it would shame him. And it would hurt her to know that there was no red heart bright as Mister’s comb beating in him” (86). Paul D locks all of his pain within because he cannot bear to face it and he does not want to reveal his weaknesses and past to Sethe. Because he loves Sethe, he fears showing his vulnerability and shame from being raped, which indicates his lack of self-love. While Paul D thinks that this is the best solution, it prevents him from having a more meaningful and close relationship with Sethe and inhibits their love to grow. Until slaves overcome their traumas, they are unable to reach a place of acceptance that will, in turn, lead them to the self-love and self-worth that was stolen from them through slavery. As uncomfortable and painful as it is, remembrance is part of the recovery process and it is “the only way to begin the process of healing that psychic wound, which continues to have grave effects on the present” (Christian 14). To heal the wounds of their pasts, Sethe and Paul D must remember their lives as slaves and confront the memories they believe they cannot return from. Morrison extends this idea of remembering to the entire black community as “the black community as a whole must attempt to heal from the trauma of slavery and the Middle Passage by remembering and mourning their past. Forgetting or repressing will allow for the painful memories to intrude upon their lives, just as Beloved took human form to invade Sethe’s life” (Field 11). Sethe has a difficult time with remembering her past because she feels the need to protect her children, her best thing, from slavery. She believes that in remembering, the children will begin to experience the pain that she endured, which she defines as rememory. For instance, Sethe warns Denver against rememory:
Cruelty: the Double-edged Sword “Where does discipline end? Where does cruelty begin? Somewhere between these, thousands of children inhabit a voiceless hell” (Francois Mauriac, Brainyquote 2016). These statements posed by French novelist Francois Mauriac can be applied to Toni Morrison’s Beloved. The novel centers around Sethe, a former African American slave, who lives in rural Cincinnati, Ohio with her daughter named Denver.
Beloved had many obscenities, such as, murder, raw language, sexual harassment, and other unwanted sexual advances but they are what made the novel what it is. The murder that Sethe commits is gruesome but a very huge part of the story. The following quote from the novel is the depiction of the murder scene in which Sethe performs a grotesque murder on her own daughter and injures her two boys in order to keep them from a life in slavery. "Inside, two boys bled in the sawdust and dirt at the feet of a nigger woman holding a blood-soaked child to her chest with one hand and an infant by the heels in the other. She did not look at them; she simply swung the baby toward the wall planks, missed and tried to connect a second time, when out of nowhere- in the ticking time the men spent staring at what there was to stare at- the old nigger boy, still mewing, ran through the door behind them and snatched the baby from the arch of its mother's swing.
The stream of consciousness establishes a healthy confusion because all three women of 124, including Beloved, attempt to identity Beloved. Yet, Beloved’s identity becomes more complex. Sethe begins to identify Beloved by stating that “She my daughter. She mine” (236). Morrison includes possessive pronouns to show Sethe’s ownership over Beloved, thus identifying Beloved as her daughter. Morrison continues this idea by leading the reader through Sethe’s thoughts. “Had to be done quick. Quick. She had to be safe”(236). This is one of Sethe’s thoughts concerning her daughter’s death. Morrison includes the verb to have to show Sethe’s determination. If a person must do something, it implies that the person had no choice and the result was the only possible outcome. Just like Sethe’s decisions, the action was quick. Morrison uses short sentences and repetition of quick to express Sethe’s decision and lack of thinking. These devices provide a rushed mood. This quote shows Sethe’s reasoning behind her choice and allows her to connect adult Beloved to her Beloved. Morrison continues Sethe's idea, “but that’s all over now…and my girl come home” (237). This quote expresses Sethe's self-forgiveness and acceptance of the past. Moreover, it shows Sethe's belief that the adult Beloved is her daughter. Morrison shows Beloved’s thoughts last. “I am Beloved and she is mine” (248). Morrison includes this quote to make
...d that Beloved was Sethe's child. Sethe broke water to represent Beloved's second birth. Sethe was now whole again. She had found the child that she had lost. The water symbolized the beginning of her life with Beloved. Sethe could now begin sharing her life with Beloved again. She could Ice-skate, take walks, or just begin to love her child again.
In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, love proves to be a dangerous and destructive force. Upon learning that Sethe killed her daughter, Beloved, Paul D warns Sethe “Your love is too thick” (193). Morrison proved this statement to be true, as Sethe’s intense passion for her children lead to the loss of her grasp on reality. Each word Morrison chose is deliberate, and each sentence is structured with meaning, which is especially evident in Paul D’s warning to Sethe. Morrison’s use of the phrase “too thick”, along with her short yet powerful sentence structure make this sentence the most prevalent and important in her novel. This sentence supports Paul D’s side on the bitter debate between Sethe and he regarding the theme of love. While Sethe asserts that the only way to love is to do so passionately, Paul D cites the danger in slaves loving too much. Morrison uses a metaphor comparing Paul D’s capacity to love to a tobacco tin rusted shut. This metaphor demonstrates how Paul D views love in a descriptive manner, its imagery allowing the reader to visualize and thus understand Paul D’s point of view. In this debate, Paul D proves to be right in that Sethe’s strong love eventually hurts her, yet Paul D ends up unable to survive alone. Thus, Morrison argues that love is necessary to the human condition, yet it is destructive and consuming in nature. She does so through the powerful diction and short syntax in Paul D’s warning, her use of the theme love, and a metaphor for Paul D’s heart.
When Sethe chooses to murder her daughter, rather than allowing her to be returned to slavery, she must face the consequences of her actions. Sethe’s murder of Beloved creates an allusion to the biblical character of Cain. According to the Bible’s Old Testament, Cain’s slaughter of Abel marks the first murder ever committed. In the aftermath of Abel’s death, Cain mourns that, “My punishment is greater than I can bear...I shall be a fugitive and wanderer on earth” (English Standard Version, Gen. 4.13-14). Sethe experiences a similar reaction after she takes Beloved’s life. Taken to prison after killing Beloved, Sethe faces ostracism from her community. However, living with the memory of the murder seems a worse fate. Like Cain, the “punishment”, both psychological and physical, that results from her murder is so great that it almost destroys her. Her murder, like Cain’s, violates society’s norms and both opens her to judgment and sets her
She loves her mother and wants her all to herself like a typical two-year old child. She even loves Denver though she is jealous of her and the relationship Denver has had with her mother. She is also jealous that she survived. She claims Sethe "I am Beloved and she is mine" (210). Beloved "made demands. Anything she wanted she got, and when Sethe ran out of things to give her, Beloved invented desire"
...from slavery as well as the misery slavery itself causes her. Ultimately, Sethe makes a choice to let go of the past as she releases Beloved's hand and thus moves on to the future. In the very last segment of the novel, the narrator notes that finally "they forgot [Beloved]. Like an unpleasant dream during a troubling sleep" (290). Sethe no longer represses history but actually lets it go. As a result, Beloved becomes nothing more than "an unpleasant dream," suggesting that she does not exist as a real person, but rather has no substance as a mere fantasy or hallucination which has no value to the community or to Sethe, Denver, or Paul D. Sethe moves on with her life as she has already faced the past, tried to make amends for her mistakes, and finally realizes her own value in life.
From the beginning, Beloved focuses on the import of memory and history. Sethe struggles daily with the haunting legacy of slavery, in the form of her threatening memories and also in the form of her daughter’s aggressive ghost. For Sethe, the present is mostly a struggle to beat back the past, because the memories of her daughter’s death and the experiences at Sweet Home are too painful for her to recall consciously. But Sethe’s repression is problematic, because the absence of history and memory inhibits the construction of a stable identity. Even Sethe’s hard-won freedom is threatened by her inability to confront her prior life. Paul D’s arrival gives Sethe the opportunity and the impetus to finally come to terms with her painful life history.
The dangerous aspect of Sethe's love is first established with the comments of Paul D regarding her attachment to Denver. At page 54, when Sethe refuses to hear Paul D criticize Denver, he thinks: "Risky, thought Paul D, very risky. For a used-to-be-slave woman to love anything that much was dangerous( )" he deems Sethe's attachment dangerous because he believes that when "( ) they broke its back, or shoved it in a croaker sack ( )" having such a strong love will prevent her from going on with her life. Paul D's remarks indicate that evidently the loved one of a slave is taken away. Mothers are separated from their children, husbands from their wives and whole families are destroyed; slaves are not given the right to claim their loved ones. Having experienced such atrocities, Paul D realizes that the deep love Sethe bears for her daughter will onl...
...nd her strength. From the kiss on Sethe’s neck, to her new born child reenactment, Sethe succumbs to the job of a mother and tends to her, unaware of the fact that she is losing her health and strength in the process. Beloved is given the best of things from her mother such as food, and when there is nothing else left to give, “Beloved invented desire” (Kochar). Beloved at first seems like the victim in the novel due to the idea that she is supposedly the reincarnation of Sethe’s murdered child, but towards the end of the story Sethe becomes victimized by Beloved and her numerous desires. Sethe grows thin and weak while Beloved grows pregnant and healthy. Although Beloved may be portrayed as only the antagonist in the novel, she also symbolizes an intervention since she leads the characters to understand their pasts and in the end exposes the meaning of community.
There are two ways of interpreting the killing of Beloved, Sethe could. be seen as saving her, motivated by true love or selfish pride? By Looking at the varying nature of Sethe, it can be said that, she is a. women who choose to love their children but not herself. She kills the baby, because in her mind, her children are the only part of her that has not been soiled by slavery, she refuses to contemplate that by. showing this mercy, she is committing a murder.
In the 500 word passage reprinted below, from the fictional novel Beloved, Toni Morrison explains the pent-up anger and aggression of a man who is forced to keep a steady stance when in the presence of his white masters. She uses simple language to convey her message, yet it is forcefully projected. The tone is plaintively matter-of-fact; there is no dodging the issue or obscure allusions. Because of this, her work has an intensity unparalleled by more complex writing.
In Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, Morrison uses universal themes and characters that anyone can relate to today. Set in the 1800s, Beloved is about the destructive effects of American slavery. Most destructive in the novel, however, is the impact of slavery on the human soul. Morrison’s Beloved highlights how slavery contributes to the destruction of one’s identity by examining the importance of community solidarity, as well as the powers and limits of language during the 1860s.
The relationships Sethe had with her children is crazy at first glance, and still then some after. Sethe being a slave did not want to see her children who she loved go through what she herself had to do. Sethe did not want her children to have their “animal characteristics,” put up on the bored for ...