Mark, Luke, And John: The Signs Of Revelation

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The Signs of Revelation
Originally, the author of Revelation is Jesus Christ, which God gave Him the vision, and signified by His angel to relay to His servant John. Entirely written by John consisting of his interpretation, and vision that Christ revealed to him in the form of an “apocalyptic” writing using symbols, images, and numbers. Many of the writings have similarities in the Old Testament, explicitly in the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The writings were characteristic of the time of persecution, also in prophecy to reveal and speak the mind of God, divulging things known only to Him (The Bible Guide). “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants’ things which must shortly come to …show more content…

Exclusively, written for the servants of Christ, who must be the true Church, and instructs the obedient, disobedient, the unbelieving to heed the message of the warnings of going into the end of days (The Bible Guide). Each letter commands seven messages for John to send to seven churches in Asia, to honor the church for its strengths, and advises members to correct their failings, as their faith waned (Rev 2:1-3:22). The persecution of Christians by the Roman ruling class appeared to dominate their world with evil. At the time, John’s vision sent hope that God would prevail and extinguish the evil Roman Empire that was the root of their persecution if they were faithful, in time destroying …show more content…

The sixth seal is the destruction of the heavens, and of the earth, opened by the Lion of Judah (God), setting the platform for the final judgement. Redeemed from earth, the faithful one hundred, forty-four thousand Christians, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads ascend to Heaven (Rev 7:1-4). Before judgement, God has his people marked for saving, twelve-thousand from the each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Now, as the trumpets blow, the seventh seal is an angel from heaven with a scroll, who outlines the events that will occur during the final period. The seven trumpets are phases of plagues and warfare, during which Christ punishes humankind, the nonbelievers. Despite the plagues and tribulation to punish unbelievers, the rest of humanity does not repent (Rev 8-11). The seventh trumpet revealing the seventh seal is from heaven, and announces “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of God, and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever (Rev

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