Mark Cuban Biography Mr. Cuban once said, “Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it. Cuban is an entrepreneur and business owner of many businesses throughout the country. He is best known as the owner of the NBA Franchise, the Dallas Mavericks. Mr. Cuban was born July 31, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Cuban’s business sense and a drive to make money started at a very young age. His grandpa was a great influence on him showing him the importance and hard work it took to make a buck. Since Cuban was twelve years old, he did many things to make money for the things he wanted. The first thing Mark did to make a buck was he sold …show more content…
garbage bags to people, so he can get a pair of shoes he wanted. Also, he would sell stamps and coins to people to make an extra buck. Cuban’s risks and rewards came towards the end of high school, where he went to Pittsburgh University his senior year of high school.
After his first year, he transferred to Indiana University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business. To pay for his college tuition, Mark would hold dance parties and teach dancing lessons. After college, he moved back to Pittsburgh and worked at Mello Bank for a year before he moved to Dallas, Texas. There in Dallas, he got a job selling software to people. Within the first year of having this job, Cuban got fired because instead of selling the computer software, he was trying to find someone who wanted to become business partners with him for a business he wanted to start up. The business he started up was called MicroSolutions and he made it into a profitable business. In 1990, he sold it for six million dollars to CompuServe. Cuban waited a few years after selling the company for technology to get more advanced. He opened up AudioNet in 1995 with his best friend from college, Todd Wagner. This went public in 1998 and became an instant hit. Eventually, in 1999, he sold this company to yahoo for 6 billion …show more content…
dollars. Mr.
Cuban is best known for being the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. He bought the team for 285 million dollars from Ross Perot Jr. A few years after being owner, he was the first NBA team owner to start his own blog which gave the people a first hand view what he was thing about his team and other teams in the league. He has said some very interesting things in these article. After Kobe Bryant’s sexual assault case, he said, “it was great for the NBA”. Also, he is know for going on this blog to criticize players and officials in the league. This has led to a few feuds with certain players and have cost him over two million dollars in fines from the NBA. In 2004,Cuban was in the news for being charged with dropping his stocks in an internet company after getting inside details about the company stock going way down. The Security and Exchange Commission accused hi with this crime. The SEC accused him of getting information about his stocks with the website The said they were going to drop about 6% and Cuban dropped the stocks a few minutes before they started plummeting and losing value quickly. The case got dropped in 2009, then later came back up in 2013. Even though it came back up in 2013, he was not convicted of any
wrongdoing. Cuban has also done other things since becoming the owner of the Mavericks. He was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars where he got 5th place. Mr. Cuban bought Landmark Theaters chain and Magnolia productions. He has been an executive producer in the movie Goodnight and Goodluck and the movie Akeelah and the Bee. He has also had guest appearances on the tv shows The League and Entourage. Perhaps his greatest role, he was the leading actor in the movie Sharknado 3. Today, Mr. Cuban is 58 years old and happily married man with three kids. He has two girls and a boy and he currently resides in Dallas, Texas. He is a great business leader for many reasons. One of these reasons is he never stops working and making the company be to the best of its ability. One of his famous quotes is “I still work hard to know my business. I'm continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I'm always selling. Always.” Also, another quality that he has that makes him a great business leader is he believes in himself and never loses confidence in what he is doing. No matter what happens, he keeps his head in it and does not let other people persuade his feelings. Another quote I found that Mr. Cuban has said about being the owner of the Mavericks is “What I've learned in these 11 years is you just gotta stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment.” I feel trusting yourself is a quality a great business leader has. Lastly, Mr. Cuban learns from all the mistakes he has made from the past. He is constantly learning from his own mistakes or listening to what other people have to say. He takes in details that you need to to be able to run a successful business. Cuban is the definition of a great business leader.
On October 20, 2014 a young male teen was fatally shot in Chicago, Illinois. The shooting occurred in the middle of the road and the suspect that was fatally shot was named Laquan McDonald. McDonald was just 17 years old and was the suspect after initial reports placed him in the scene of a possible car jacking. It was reported that Laquan McDonald had a knife and was also seen slashing tires of a police cruiser. When police had finally had him surrounded in the middle of the road, one officer opened fire and released 16 shots into his body. Another deputy on hand said the use of force was not needed because Laquan was not in any way trying to attack the officers present. The officer who fired the 16 shots into Laquan is named Jason D. Van
Wayne Gretzky once said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been”. This quote helps represent how he was always looking to be the best.
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926, near Birάn in Cuba’s Eastern Oriente Province to a wealthy sugar plantation owner and a mother who was a domestic servant to his father’s first wife (Source A). Castro was the third of six children and was raised in prominently wealthy circumstances that allowed him to attend well known and well revered schools like Belen Jesuit Prep. (Source A). He was a man that could not be just labeled solely by one phrase or one convenient definition, he was loved by supporters of communist rule and he was also a face feared by many Cubans. He held multitudes of titles to countless different people, ranging from honorable military leader to a protruding symbol of the communist revolution in Latin America that was feared by the Cuban people and Americans alike.
Fidel Castro was born on August 19, 1926, in Birán, Cuba. He spent most of his younger years on his father's farm with his brothers and sisters. Then, he attended Belen, a famous Jesuit boarding school, and excelled in sports, history, geography, and debate (Press 11-13). In 1945, Castro began law school at the University of Havana and became very involved in politics. Later, In July 1953, Castro led about 120 men in an attack on the Moncada army barracks in Santiago de Cuba. The assault failed and Batista’s troops succeeded. During the course of the battle, Castro was captured an...
Jackie Robinson once said that “"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." (Brainy Quotes). Jackie Robinson faced more abuse than any other baseball player. Jackie Robinson had his mind set on breaking the color barrier for African Americans. Jackie Robinson had the muscle strength and talent to inspire and change the color barrier in Major League baseball. Jackie Robinson was one of the most significant baseball players that America has ever known for Jackie Robinson’s bravery to stop the color barrier for, his inspiration he gave to people all around the world and for his accomplishments during baseball and outside of baseball this made him one of the most valuable players in the National League.
Ken Griffey Jr., Barry Bonds, Ozzie Smith, and Tony Gwynn; What do they all have in common? They are all some of the most famous African-American baseball players to ever play in the Major Leagues. One man, though, made it possible for all of them to play in the Major Leagues. That man’s name is Jackie Robinson. Although Jackie Robinson faced many adversities throughout his lifetime, he persevered and became the first African-American in Major League Baseball, breaking the color barrier and changing the world of baseball forever.
Throughout history, there have been certain controversial topics that have left humans divided. An example of a controversial topic in the world that affects all of us, can be found in the Canadian election ,when Canadians left divided on whom they believe is fit to be the leader of their country. Basketball’s biggest league, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has it’s own election like topic that divides the fans of the NBA with the question: Who is the most impactful NBA player of this era? LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers and Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers are the front runners for the answer to the question and while there is a solid body of evidence for both sides, the evidence leans towards LeBron. Therefore, on
The "G.O.A.T.", is coming used term in the sports world meaning, The Greatest of All Time. In the National Basketball Association, when you mention the term, the "G.O.A.T., everyone assumes of one name and one name only, Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan was an innovator of the basketball work and influenced many different people and players that inputted & mimicked Jordan’s style of play and implicated it into their own game. In today's generation, there are several players that many average day people would consider these players on the road to becoming a Jordan type of player, potential or maybe even greater; players that may be able on road to sharing a Michael Jordan type of legacy includes Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and LeBron James.
Jackie Robinson was also known as Jack Rossevelt Robinson. Jackie Robinson had very many struggles; Jackie was drafted and assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas, where he faced racial discrimination on a daily basis, he was the first African American in baseball, transformed the face of American sports forever, and his father abandoned the family when Jackie was an infant, and forced his mother and four older siblings to join the "Great Migration" of the time and move to California. Jackie was born on January 31, 1919. He was born into a family of sharecroppers in Cairo, Georgia. It is still said that he never "completely" knew his real father, but there are other stories to. Jackie's real father is also said to have left the family the same year he was born, 1919. About 3 months after his birth, he left to go to the Great Migration, and he never returned. At the same time as all that was going on, he was dealing with lots of racism and torture. The white men were a lot more educated than Jackie and other black men, yet black men were still very educated. All these struggles are just the ones in his early years, the struggles that are more known happen later when he becomes very well known by most whites, yet just because he was well known does not mean that they all liked him.
Ender, Eric. “Cuban Baseball: The Road to the Majors,” 2 Feb. 2000. Accessed site: 30 May 2003.
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in Buran, Cuba to the parent’s foreigners Angel, and Lina Castro Ruz. He is the son of a successful sugar cane planter. Fidel Castro was known for his athletic skill and for his smarts. He went to the school for and started studying under the law career at the University of Havana. In 1946, he had been in a few newspapers because of his speeches, and a year later Castro joined the socialist Party of the Cuban People.
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926. He attended Catholic schools before graduating from the University of Havana with a degree in law.
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the Bíran, Cuba. (See Figure 5) Fidel grew up in wealthier circumstances than most Cubans at the time, amid the massive and growing poverty. His father, Ángel Castro y Argiz, was originally an immigrant from Spain. During Fidel’s childhood, Ángel was a fairly prosperous sugarcane farmer on a farm that had been dominated by United States owned United Fruit Company. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez, was a maid to Angel's first wife, during Fidel’s infancy. By the time Fidel was fifteen, his father disbanded his first marriage and wed Lina, who is seen by Fidel to be his true mother. Fidel was educated in private Jesuit boarding schools. By 1945, he entered the law school at the University of Havana. Here, Fidel began his radical actions and became more interested in politics, namely, the politics of Cuba. In 1950, Castro graduated from Havana Law School and began practicing law through small local governments, advancing in political importance and knowledge.
Most people have heard of Michael Jackson in their lifetime, his songs have been played in countless of movies, “Thriller” is played every October, but people might not know how he reached his fame. They might also not know what started his downfall. It all started out great, but a few rumors can ruin anyone’s reputation; Michael Jackson was a great example of this. Michael Jackson was known as The King of Pop, and one of the greatest singers and performers of all time, but a few mistakes made him go down as one of the most controversial modern tragic heroes.
In 2008, Michael Jordan made his 200th wish to Make-A-Wish foundation. The CEO of the Make-A-Wish foundation even stated that, “Michael Jordan is one of the all-time greatest athletes, but he is an even better person,” said David Williams, “He has changed the lives of hundreds of wish kids and their families for the better, and for that, we are forever grateful” (Christensen). If the CEO of Make-A-Wish can say that Michael Jordan is a better person than a basketball player, and then he must be quite the person considering how dominate of a player Jordan was.