Marie Maye What The Living Do Analysis

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My 6th event I attended was at SFCC for Marie Howe who is acclaimed poet and has published several books. The reason we are able to have incredible guest speakers like her is because 12 years ago a group of SFCC English faculty decided that other area colleges regularly bring authors to their campuses, so SFCC wanted to provide these experiences for their students as well, so they began raising money from things like bake sales, and donations to create an endowment. While they were raising this money Gonzaga University partnered with them to help them bring some incredible poets to the campus. Fun fact that I thought you would like to know! Because of the English faculty starting such a great event, I was able to experience a poet as good as Marie Howe. Marie Howe is the author of Magdalene which was long listed for the National book award, as well as Kingdom Of Ordinary time, which was a finalist in the LA time’s book prize, What the Living Do, and The Good Thief. …show more content…

She mentioned that the poems in that book focus on deceptively simple moments, and how they work together to tell a powerful story of what it means to be human. As she went on to read some of these poems you understood what she was doing and how powerful the poem was. For example, one of her poems she talks about is called “The Attic” which centers on abuse by her father, while her brother cares for her afterwards helplessly. One line that sticks with me from that poem was “I don’t know if he knows he’s building a world that I can one day love a man”. Talk about a powerful line! I honestly went home and thought about that line probably all night. That line had so much meaning and impact, just for it being a simple line. Marie Howe Does this a lot in her poems. I have not technically read any of her books but from the poems she did read, it has me intrigued and wanting to go out and buy all her

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