Maria Theresa Quotes

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Maria Theresa was born on May 13, 1717 of the parents of Charles VI and Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Maria was the eldest daughter of Charles VI. She was born in Vienna, Austria. Her father was the emperor of Austria he was the last male emperor because his son died. Since she did not have a brother she would mostly likely be the one to take the throne from her father when he dies. Her father asked other countries to sign the Pragmatic Sanction to allow Maria Theresa to be an empress once he dies. Before this there was a law that said no woman could be the empress of a kingdom. All countries he asked agreed to the Pragmatic Sanction and Maria Theresa was allowed to be empress. She was the empress of Austria under the Hapsburg …show more content…

Some quotes she said were “I found myself without money, without credit, without army, without experience and knowledge of my own and finally, also without any counsel because each one of them at first wanted to wait and see how things would develop.” This quote is saying her father left her in debt, did not teach her anything, she had no army and everyone just waited to see what would happen because they did not think she would last long in the throne by herself. Another quote she said was, “I can never have enough children; in this I am insatiable.” This is saying is she would keep having children know matter what, because she wants many children even though she already has sixteen. These quotes both show how strong of a woman she is and shows she never gave up and with the circumstances she was put …show more content…

Another person was Marie Antoinette her daughter who would be the queen of France. Her father was Charles VI who was the last male to take the throne in Austria under the Hapsburg empire. Fredrick II was the person who ruled Prussia and started the War of the Austrian Succession War. Another famous person during this time was Count Fredrick William Haugwitz who was the ruler of Silesian but then became the ruler of Bohemia and Austria and helped

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