Marco Polo

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Anthropology is the analysis of human, previous and current diversity. To comprehend the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of record, anthropology attracts and develops upon information from the public and scientific sciences as well as the humanities and actual sciences. A main issue of anthropologists is use of information to the remedy of individual problems. Traditionally, anthropologists in the U. S. declares have been qualified in one of four areas which is Cultural anthropology also known as Sociocultural anthropology, Biological/Physical anthropology, the Archaeology anthropology, and linguistics anthropology. Anthropologists often incorporate the viewpoints of several of these areas into their analysis, educating, and expert lifestyles.
Sociocultural anthropologists analyze public styles and methods across societies, with a special interest in how people live in particular places and how they arrange, regulate, and create significance. A …show more content…

He visited substantially with father and uncle, travelling from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295. He stayed in China for 17 of those years. Around 1292, he left China, performing as consort along the way to a Mongol princess who was being sent to Persia to married Persian prince. His book Il Milione explains his travel and experiences and affected later adventurers and merchants. (Biography, n.d.) Marco's immersion into the Chinese culture this make him expert in four different languages and this helps him communicate well with others. As one of Boas’s most amazing affiliates, the linguist Edward Sapir (1884–1939), developed, with his student Ben Lee Whorf, the so-called Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, which posits that language decides knowledge, and that the world’s 'languages' vary significantly in this respect. (Eriksen, Thomas, 2010) This shows that language is an important bridge to make someone understand others culture as what Marco and anthropologist

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