Manifest Destiny Essay

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Throughout American history, there have been many events that contributed to the belief of manifest destiny. Manifest destiny is a belief many common people had which envisioned the United States connecting from the Pacific and to Atlantic ocean. This belief inspired millions of American citizens to expand and settle on western lands in order to achieve this remarkable goal. The goal established by citizens not only influenced interregional migration but most importantly effected politics and polices during the 1840’s. An example that best reflects the influence manifest destiny had on politics was the annexation of Texas. Before Texas was annexed into the United States, the region had belonged to various countries such as the French and Spanish. …show more content…

One of the many places that became vulnerable to migration was Texas, which still remained under Mexican authority despite the number of America settlers. Over time, the majority of settlers in Texas would soon become the Americans that had migrated due to manifest destiny. Due to the excessive amounts of American settlers, Mexican authority began to pass cruel and intolerable laws that settlers perceived as immoral. Once the laws had been passed and implemented in Texan society, many Americans began to question the authority and right of the Mexican government. Once Americans began to question the government, this would lead to retaliation of authority and the topple of Mexican rule in Texas. When the Mexican government lost to the American settlers, this sparked the formation of Texas as an independent country under the rule of Sam Houston. The Republic of Texas would be short lived due to the poor form of government and bankruptcy the country experienced. The republic soon came to a realization that the country could not stand on its own any longer and needed support from foreign …show more content…

This war would last for nearly two years and with the Americans winning in great fashion due to the unfair treaty that was created. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed by both countries after the war and required Mexico to give up much of the southern land that was placed west of Texas. This treaty was a pivotal step for the concept of manifest destiny because of land that became free and available to Americans. Another factor for why the goal of manifest destiny had been reached was because of the vast amounts of land that became open as a result of this war. Once the land officially became under rule of American government, manifest destiny had reached its peak and masses of people flocked to the west where they began to settle. Manifest destiny played a crucial role in all the events in Texas history because of what the belief led people to do. The belief led to the Republic of Texas because of the excessive amount of Americans that began to outnumber Mexicans in the

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