Manatees, The Gentle Giant Is Going Extinct

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The West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) is a marine mammal that lives in the coastal waters and around the offshore reefs of Belize. Manatees have large gray bodies covered with algae or barnacles. They are herbivores that consume marine vegetation such as sea grass and surface regularly to breathe. They reside in sea grass beds and in mangroves that provide them with shelter. The West Indian Manatee is listed as vulnerable under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and may eventually be listed as endangered. They are at a huge risk of decline due to coastal development and other changes to the environment (Auil). Manatees are facing countless risks and deaths as the human population increases in varying locations. According to the National Geographic, in the year of 2013, there have been a total of 829 known manatee deaths which has been the highest toll since biologists started to keep records of this species. Manatees have no natural enemy, so their deaths are caused by human interaction. These are entanglements in nets, destruction of habitat, collisions with watercraft, and hunting.
Fishing gear that is the most harmful is illegally placed in areas such as near the rivers, shores, and cays, commonly in the southern region in Belize. This region is where most of the small fishery villages reside. Entanglements in fishing nets are a source of many deaths to free-swimming manatees. These nets are sometimes engulfed by manatees which cause their digestive systems to fail. The nets also get caught onto their appendages, which sometimes tear causing a severe infection. There have been several cases reporting amputation of manatee appendages due to this reason. Calves usually drown when they are entangled, especially if t...

... middle of paper ... help educate the public about this issue. Education and awareness is a huge key when it comes to help saving this species. Since Belize has tourist sites, education the tourists about manatee conservation is important. That way, tour companies would make this topic very important and educate the tourist. Setting up tourist sites for viewing manatees in a safe manner can also be helpful. Educating the country in general can have serious improvements.
In the year of 1981, manatees were listed as an endangered species under the Wildlife Protection Act that was assisted by the Belize Audubon Society. Because of this, Belize has been protecting the manatee for many years. There are also many projects that the people of Belize are forming and have formed to help the conservation of this marine mammal through research, training, and education throughout the country.

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