Malcolm X Movie Analysis

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The movie Malcolm X, starring Denzel Washington was based off of the autobiography of Malcolm X. The main premise of the film focused in on his adult life and his transition into the activist we consider him. Throughout the film the main character, was constantly developing, and certain turning points in the film led to his growth. These changes in his character mostly must do with the influence of religion in his life. He fully understands who he is as a person in terms of religion and personality. To begin with, the main idea the movie shows is the different religions Malcolm X encountered in his life. He interacted with each one of them showing various characteristic and behavioral changes. Malcolm was raised a Christian in his early years …show more content…

He was lost and doubted the existence of a higher being stating, “What has Jesus done for me?!” While in solitary confinement. After his release in confinement, a prisoner named Banes offers him a solution as to why he has doubt in his heart and is unsure about himself. He discuss the teachings of Elijah Mohammed and Islam as a way for Malcolm to find guidance, a purpose. Banes reveals the teachings of the Brotherhood of Islam to him, using Islam as an overall guiding force while promoting the growth of African Americans in America but not working together with Caucasians. Baines indoctrinated Malcolm to think white Americans are evil and wrong, putting his faith in Brotherhood and in his new-found religion of …show more content…

Malcolm grew a person while in prison, educating himself, developing critical thinking, and analytical skills. He is calmer in his behavior and is well spoken. He has the mentality of using the truth to think smart. The release from jail was the start of a new life for Malcolm. He became a passionate person, trying to covert African American. His charism and exceptional preaching skills gained him favor among official in The Brotherhood. Soon he gained enough power due to his radical views, but still maintained his composure, and keeping faith in Allah. In the film he incorporated some of his father beliefs as a Christian preacher into some of his own sermons. The film shows parallels between Malcolm and his father. In a way Malcolm has become his father, or developed the characteristics of his father. Throughout the film he would always state, “Have faith in Allah.” This was significant statement, before he had no one to rely on, no one to trust. For him to make this statement, showed he had trust in a higher being other than himself. Even when he figured out the alternative motifs and scandals behind The Brotherhood, he lost trust in the organization and their values, but kept faith in Allah and

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