Malcolm X: Hero Or Villain?

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As taught in most history classes ranging from the elementary to high school level, students throughout the country learn about Martin Luther King’s gracious teachings and eloquent philosophies on civil rights. They hear of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, his resistance to violence, and his yearning for integration between blacks and whites alike. However, in the shadows of his wake stands a man who too fought for the equality and freedom of his people, yet he is seen in the eye of most a villain, one whose views were rash and brutal. While King’s philosophy indeed made history, Malcolm X had a philosophy superior to his counterpart, for his stance on economics, schooling, and the limits of non-violence made the most sense for his time. …show more content…

Malcolm X’s approach, however, was different. In the words of Malcolm X in an interview by The Young Socialist, he stated, “I believe we should protect ourselves by any means necessary when we are attacked by racists.” Many people interpret this as Malcolm X promoting violence, but he said in the same interview that he didn’t favor violence. Instead, he believed that nonviolence should only be preached to black Americans if their enemy is also being taught to be non-violent. He declared himself a realist, and he knew if African Americans learned to be passive in the face of violence, it would only give the whites more power while African Americans continue to suffer. He believed in action, and, more importantly, reaction. If black Americans were going to be struck down, he preached that they should not only stand back up, but defend themselves for who they are. In the words of Malcolm X in a speech he delivered at the Organization of Afro-American Unity Homecoming Rally, he declared, “You can come talking that old sweet talk, or that old peace talk, or that old nonviolent talk- that man doesn’t hear that kind of talk. He’ll pat you on your back and tell you you’re a good boy and give you a peace prize. How are you going to get a peace prize when the war’s not over yet? I’m for peace, but the only way you’re going to preserve peace is be prepared for

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