Makeup Is Self-Expression Research Paper

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Makeup is Self Expression Makeup is a beautiful form of uplifting art. It can be a way to prepare for the day, add glamour, enhance features, gain confidence, and it is all completely up to you for how much you would like to put on. There is no shame with going out to meet the day with a bare face with maybe a little bit of moisturizer or lip balm; a simple natural look with concealer, lip gloss, and mascara; or a full face complete with winged eyeliner, false eyelashes, contouring, eyeshadow, and berry purple lips, if that is what you want. I believe that calling people ‘fake’ for wearing makeup needs a little reminder that this is simply something they like to do. Regardless of anything, anyone can wear makeup. It’s a form of self-expression, …show more content…

In magazines, movies, books, songs, in school, at home, at work, and even when you Google search ‘makeup’, you will notice that there is a lot of people proclaiming that makeup is unnatural and that people who wear makeup are not as ‘attractive’ as those who don’t. For example, on the website, 59% of people voting disagree that women should wear makeup, whereas 41% are in favor. That certainly is quite the split in people, with a majority against it. Makeup doesn’t immediately diminish your worth by putting it on, however, even if you’ve heard that guys don’t like it and your friends call you fussy. In fact, when asked why they wear makeup, most makeup-wearers replied with 1 of 4 reasons: they just like how it looks, it’s beautiful art to them, it can correct the little things that they can’t always fix on their own, and/or because it’s a wonderful way to express themselves. You do not need to do a single thing that others suggest to you. You can do whatever you wish, and if that includes wearing makeup or going without, you are still a respectable human with your own right to how you’d like to look. Your bold makeup doesn’t make you different than a bare face, and vice

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