Magnetism In The Great Gatsby

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“Gatsby” is hard to pin down. On the one hand, it’s broadly understood as a classic American novel, which suggests that it must have important things to say about the twenties, money, love, and the American dream. On the other, it seems self-evidently to be about style over substance. It’s short (only a hundred and fifty pages); its plot is absurd; and it examines only the thinnest wedge of American life. It was poorly received when it was published (H. L. Mencken thought it was “no more than a glorified anecdote”), and it continues to be an object of skepticism (Kathryn Schulz, in last week’s New York, writes that “Gatsby” is “aesthetically overrated, psychologically vacant, and morally complacent”). In 1950, in “The Liberal Imagination,” Lionel Trilling predicted that Gatsby’s story would lose its magnetism: Gatsby, Trilling wrote, represented the fantasy of “personal ambition and heroism, of life committed to, or thrown away for, some ideal of self,” while modern society urges young people to find …show more content…

Gatsby’s romantic fantasy, his love story, exerts the most force in the novel. Gatsby’s organized his life around one big idea: that love, at its best, is permanent and impersonal. This is his dream, his song. A love affair seems like something that happens between two people at a particular time and place, but, Gatsby hopes, if their love is strong enough, it becomes a law of nature, a rule of fate that can’t be changed by circumstance or even by choice. It’s a familiar wish—we all want to be loved perfectly and forever—and it makes for a great story; there’s something admirable in it, and, along with Nick, you wonder whether a Great Romance might complete your life. (“Unlike Gatsby and Tom Buchanan,” Nick says, “I had no girl whose disembodied face floated along the dark cornices and blinding signs, and so I drew up the girl beside me, tightening her in my

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