Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Recently in class we have read and studied one of Shakespeare's most

famous plays: Macbeth. I found the language a bit difficult to

understand and rather archaic but the themes as relevant as they were

when the play was written and set.

The play was an intriguing one. Whilst studying the play we were

focusing on the main character whom the play was based upon and named

after, Macbeth. Having finished the play, I felt a sense of pride and

achievement that I have read a Shakespearean play. In this evaluation

I wish to consider the accuracy of Malcolm's comment that Macbeth died

a "butcher"

Macbeth towards the end of the play appeared extremely cold and

heartless yet at the beginning was a hero who did have good qualities

which is why it was such a tragedy that he turned evil.

Macbeth is a very complex character and Shakespeare began by

highlighting his good points, portraying him as a decent person thus

making us care what happens to him. Macbeth being hailed a hero,(in

Act1Sc2) was a well-deserved title. He was a brave and gallant

soldier, ironically fighting against traitorous behaviour to the king.

We are told in gory detail that he "unseamed" one traitor by ripping

him apart with his sword from his navel to his mouth showing his

military capability

Described as "Belona's bridegroom" by Rosse, Macbeth was being

compared with Mars, the Roman God of War a compliment by any standard.

This reinforces the bravery and ability of Macbeth and showed that in

the context of his times, Macbeth was a first class soldier and

admired by many. In fact, to the bitter end Macbeth remains a brave

character fighting against all odds when he himself has become the


Another virtue of Macbeth's is that he is held in high regard by the

king. On several occasions, King Duncan praises Macbeth going as far

as saying on one occasion, " we love him highly". King Duncan

obviously held a lot of trust in Macbeth even visiting his castle and

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