Macbeth Self Control Research Paper

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Throughout our journey in life, we all share this common desire to gain more control over our lives and decisions. What most people fail to understand is that just because you have physical control over your actions and decisions does not mean that you have mental control. Even if it feels like we have control over our lives, we need to be careful not to hand over that control to others and let them influence us easily. We should learn to discern and become self-aware of the positive and negative influences around us. While some people can recognize when something or someone is a bad influence, others do not have this ability. Author William Shakespeare, in the play Macbeth, reveals a few ways in which letting others control our decisions can …show more content…

Individuals who are controlled by bad influences tend to make bad decisions. These bad decisions tend to push the good and positive things and people in their lives away. This leaves the individual feeling isolated and like no good comes from their life. In the novel Macbeth, after Macbeth receives the prophecies, Banquo warns him about being careful when it comes to the words of the witches and their true intentions with his statement, "And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, / The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray's / In deepest consequence." 1.3.123-126. -. Still, Macbeth ignores this warning and lets this unchecked ambition grow within him. He goes down a path of murder and tyranny and even murders the very person who was looking out for him, Banquo. The second Macbeth murdered Duncan, the witches had successfully gained control of Macbeth, and their evil plan to push him toward his demise was already succeeding. With this control over Macbeth, they play him and manipulate his actions by giving him prophecies with hidden meanings. His words reflect his loss of meaning and isolation as he prepares to go into battle, which will be his last. "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, / And then is heard no more. It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing." 5.24-28 His words in this quote reveal his reflection on life. He speaks about how life is but a stage that people put on an act for, and there is no meaning to life. The shift in control to the witches was the wave that washed all the people who cared about Macbeth away, leaving him in despair and feeling isolated towards the end of Macbeth's

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