Macbeth First Scene Analysis

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False Faces
(Theme of Deception From Macbeth Acts I and II) In life there have always been those people who act false towards us and one can 't help but wonder why. What is it that makes one be deceptive? Could it possibly be that that person wants something from that one person? Acting false toward someone is a very terrible thing to do, yet so many of us do it. There was a person who was supposedly friends with this other person and yet they would talk smack on one another when the other was not around. Surely people from all around the world know this to be true. This is not only demonstrated in life, but also in things such as Theatricality Plays. One example of this is the play of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, in which deception is …show more content…

In this act there is a scene where the three witches tell Macbeth that three things are going to happen to him. First, that he is going to be Thane of Glamis, then that he is going to be Thane of Cawdor and last, but most importantly that Macbeth will be King. The witches don’t say much more after that other than that Macbeth will lesser, but yet greater. The Second Witch is then quoted saying, “Not so happy, yet much happier.” on line 66, Act one, Scene one. . This is creating an image for Macbeth in which he believes that everything that happens that has to do with what the witches are saying will make him happier. He cannot think of how he would be less happy if he was to somehow end up as king. This obviously causes nothing, but utter enjoyment and pleasure to Macbeth. The three witches are playing a game of deception with Macbeth by not giving him the full truth behind their mystical words. Clearly, the witches from act one in Macbeth are there to deceive …show more content…

Once Macbeth shares the news of the three witches to his wife Lady Macbeth, she comes up with a very devious and horrendous plan. She plans of killing King Duncan, so that her husband Macbeth will then be crowned the King of Scotland. She tells Macbeth to have King Duncan stay at their castle and they would slay him in the night as he sleeps and attempt to leave the blame on the guards. Macbeth invites the King to come stay at his castle. When the plan is confirmed Lady Macbeth then begins to manipulate Macbeth into killing his one of his very loyal friends, King Duncan. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he can’t do and Lady Macbeth then begins to hit Macbeth where it hurts, the manhood. She says, “Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place, Did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now, Does unmake you.” in Act one, Scene seven, lines 50-54. Then Lady Macbeth says that she would kill her own infant baby before she would stop a plan that she proposed. She is deceiving him here because Macbeth never said anything about killing anyone to become king. Lady Macbeth firmly tells Macbeth that he came up with the idea of killing King Duncan and to man up and do what he planned. Obviously, Lady Macbeth is a very manipulative person even to her soul mate,

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