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The interpretation of dream
Short essay on lucid dreaming
Dream interpretation activity
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Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is: dreaming while aware that you are dreaming. Webster's definition of lucidity continues with "clearness of thought or style" and a "presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously". In this sense, lucid dreaming is associated with controlling one's dreams as they are happening. It is a term that was coined by Frederik van Eeden in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, Vol. 26, 1913:
I can only say that I made my observations during normal deep and healthy sleep, and that in 352 cases, I had full recollection of my day-life and could act voluntarily, though I was so fast asleep that no bodily sensations penetrated my perception. If anybody refuses to call that state of mind a dream, he may suggest some other name. For my part it was just this form of dream, which I call "lucid dreams" which aroused my keenest interest and which I noted most carefully.
The term lucid may be a bit misleading. In the literal sense, true control is never actually achieved but the dreamer can influence the course of action indirectly. On a basic level, the dream will take a life of its own but the lucid dreamer is able to subtly alter the direction that it takes. Lucid dreaming is more complicated than this. There are many levels of lucid dreaming and awareness. Awareness that one is dreaming is considered the lowest. Researchers have identified two main types of lucid dreams, referred to as "high-level lucidity" and "low-level lucidity". High level lucidity is defined as "a state in which the dreamer is aware that he is in bed dreaming and that no physical harm can befall him" (LaBerge, "Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions and Answers", 1997). Conversely, low-leve...
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...ned, lucid dreaming offers powerful potential for both educational and personal applications. "Lucid dreaming could provide the handicapped and other disadvantaged people with the nearest thing to fulfilling their impossible dreams: paralytics could walk again in their dreams, to say nothing of dancing and flying" (LaBerge, "Lucidity Research, Past and Future", 1993). Lucid dreaming is more than just controlled dreams, it is a method of maximizing potential. It is the highest level lucid dreamer that is both the participant and the creator of the dream.
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Overall this was a great book. I have a great deal of interest in the brain. It is a truly amazing and fascinating organ. Its complexity bewilders not only researchers, and many neuroscientists but me as well. I also have somewhat of a passion for fitness and to learn how beneficial exercise can be, not only to our body’s health but the brain as well. It gives me a new understanding about a “workout”. The author did a great job explaining all of the very complicated processes that are involved in exercise’s wondrous benefits. Even though some of the information may have been boring, the way it was presented was not. This book was a great read and overall I would recommend it to any interested in exercise or the brain.
Have you ever experienced a dream or a nightmare that seemed like reality? Most people in the world today would say that they have. Although this realistic dream experience does not occur often, when it does, clear distinctions are hard to make between the dream and reality. Theories exist that explain dreams as our subconscious
Parker M. E., & Smith M. C. (2010). Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed.).
West, E., Griffith, W., Iphofen, R. (2007, April vol.16/no.2). A historical perspective on the nursing
Today, pornography has different targeted audiences based on various categories of pornography. There are pornographies made that are targeted toward women in which are slow and focused more on the people’s language rather than solely genitally focused. Most pornographies, however, are made specifically for men. These videos contain a large focus on the genitals, the men are portrayed as dominant, and the women please the men taking any measures necessary. According to a study, pornography that was intended for men and women aroused the men who were being studied. Women on the other hand, activated negative affects after watching the pornography intended for men and positive after watching the pornography intended for women (Mosher, 1994). In general, men are the main target of pornographies and women as well as feminists believe that pornography should not characterize women as objects. Also when making this study, it was difficult to find pornography that was made by women, majority of the videos are made by men and produced for
As Blackburn says, dreams are not as coherent as everyday life, they are shakier. Similar to this, Descartes says that dreams are like a painting. Objects could look like they are real; made in the fashion of those in the waking world, so therefore they have to be real giving a basis for scientific observations. These corporeal objects give rise to concentrations of science such as astronomy, medicine, physics, that use the observations that could seem doubtful if we are to take the dreaming argument into consideration without allowing for the fact that dreams must be based on waking life, and others, such as mathematics and geometry, are still unquestionable no matter if you try to base the dream off of reality. As Descartes says, “where I am awake or asleep, two and three added together are five.” Taking all of this into consideration, whether or not one is dreaming some science still remains, meaning observations are still viable in scientific knowledge. So my answer that you may use observations with care and thorough study still holds true, because even in a dream state there is still rational mathematics and science based off of reality. Along with these facts, many dream states can be recognizable through their slight disillusionment from everyday life, leading to one to realize they are asleep (lucid dreaming), which is not
Any truth that can exist in one can exist in the other. Because of this, there is no definite way to tell if an experience is dreamt or not. The arguments against this are purely speculative, based on personal experiences, and perhaps experiences of others, but that is not enough. Just because one person may not feel pain during a dream, signifying some sort of differentiation between the two states, does not mean another person doesn’t. Because all the evidence against this argument are purely speculative and circumstantial, it proves that we cannot prove consciousness at any given moment with Cartesian certainty. A waking state does exist, however, our ability to differentiate it from a sleeping state is impossible, leading to confusion about experiences. Having Cartesian certainty about whether or not we are dreaming at any given moment allows us to evaluate all the other aspects that might be skewed our findings. Because we may be asleep at any moment, who is to say our knowledge and experiences aren’t all dreamed? The brain, although a complex mechanism, is not complex to come up with the ideas that we have experienced within them. We may form new ideas based on our experiences, but the basis of it must have been experienced at one point or another. Our brain’s need reference for knowledge, and for us to know absolute truths, we need to understand that some truths may not be as
The tactical games model is an instructional method for a physical education class, the outline for a tactical game unit is set up as follows. The first step in any Tactical games model is to choose a sport for the class to play, team sports such as basketball or soccer typically work best for this model because they present the players with more tactical situations. Rather than full sized games your class will benefit more from smaller groups and faster paced games, any tactical issues a student is having during the sport will become more apparent this way and therefore easier to address (Pill). Additional adaptations can be made to manipulate the sport to your classes needs such as dimensions of the field, player’s movements, and the games rules (Pill).The Focus of game one is to put your students into challenging situations, by being challenged in the first game the students see areas they are lacking tactical experience. As the teacher your objective during game one is to iden...
This paper was done by Paul J. Wright from Indiana University, Department of Telecommunications. Wright argues that although social scientific research on the effect of consumption of pornography among males may be highly debated, it might not have focused testing the feminist perspective that pornography aggravates sexual aggression against females. He posits that previous research might have addressed the use of pornography amongst males; however, they overlooked the permissive approach to sexual affairs (Wright, 2013).
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Registered Nursing is listed among the top occupations in terms of job growth through 2022, with the demand increasing at least 19% by the year 2022 (2012). Particularly in the past decade, there is a serious shortage in the number of nurses to fill the vast amount of open positions available. Why is there such a shortage in the nursing profession, and is the nursing shortage real in this type of economy? Unexpectedly, there are many unemployed nurses today, struggling to find employment. An MPR news article by Annie Baxter stated that she had interviewed many unemployed nurses that claim the shortage is just a myth. She goes on to say “as the recession hit, people used health care less, promoting hospitals to hire fewer nurses” (2012). This information couldn’t be further from the truth. The health care industry is at an all-time high right now and there are a plethora of nursing opportunities out there. The nursing shortage is very real, and the misconception lies in the fact that hospitals are requiring a higher level of education than previously. You might ask, if there is such a shortage, why would they be more selective in their criteria? Due to the shortage, nurses are being forced to be more responsible in their work, more independent, work longer hours, and manage an unfavorable amount of patients at a time. This demanding work is requiring hospitals to become more selective in the types of nurses they hire (Aiken L.H., 2011). In this presentation, I will thoroughly explain these growing issues, how the unavailability of a nursing education is the main reason there is a global nursing shortage today, and voice m...
The infamous nursing pioneer, Dorothea Elizabeth Orem, set the bar for nurses worldwide. She was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, where she graduated from high school in 1931. While in college, she pursued her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing Education and she also earned her Masters of Science in Nursing Education. When she first began practicing, she worked at Providence Hospital in Washington D.C. She then continued her early career at St. John’s with the position of administration. Once she achieved her advanced degrees, she became director of the Providence Hospital School of Nursing in from 1945-1948 in Detroit, Michigan. While directing at this particular school of nursing, Orem also taught biological sciences...
Registered Nursing dates back to the medieval times. Although the modern ideas of nursing didn’t come about till the nineteenth century. Florence Nightingale had a strong impact on the nursing world, she dedicated her life to begin army hospital during the Crimean War. These ideas weren’t put into practice though until the Civil War. During this time the nurses were not licensed but were concerned individuals who volunteered rather than being hired. The first school of nursing was in Boston, Massachusetts in 1873. It wasn’t until 1938 that New York passed the law that practical nurses had to be licensed. There have been many changes since registered nursing had taken place. Today’s nurses are highly educated and are licensed health ca...
The success of today’s nurses cannot be fully appreciated until history is taken into consideration. There have been enormous changes in the role of the nursing profession and the healthcare system. A significant amount of this success can be credited to a woman named Florence Nightingale. Going against the wishes of her family, Nightingale followed her calling to the nursing field and had major influence that helped society show more respect to the vocation than ever before. One of these changes includes the influence of education on nurses. Nightingale was passionate about improving healthcare and education was important to change the way people were cared for. After her work overseas in the military, Nightingale changed the previous state
Munch popularity is due to his extraordinary ability to convey a deep and raw emotion from the unconscious onto the canvas leaving it to the viewers to interpret, feel and reflect. He stood out from other artists of his time, as he varied away from the norms and focused on the feelings and state of the work, rather than details and perfection. Anxiety evolved as the main point of Munch art. This essay goes through Edvard Munch’s childhood focusing on the events that caused him anxiety, how the anxiety affected his relationship with women and love, and how his idea of anxiety was supported by the theories of Søren Kierkegaard. These elements act as a support of an analysis of three of his works ‘Evening on Karl Johan’, ‘Melancholy’ and ‘The woman in three stages’. This essay should be seen as a work within the subject Visual Arts as it analyses three works of Munch focusing on anxiety. The analysis will contain an analysis of the form, content and context of each of the works. Having experienced the Edvard Munch: Angst/Anxiety exhibition at AROS Museum of Art in Aarhus, Denmark, I found and developed curiosity and inspiration to this essay. I find it worthy of a study as Munch changed the view and concept of art, and provided the public with a concept of art that was not the norm around the 19th centu...
Despite the large amount of time we spend asleep, surprisingly little is actually known about sleeping and dreaming. Much has been imagined, however. Over history, sleep has been conceived as the space of the soul, as a state of absence akin to death, as a virtual or alternate reality, and more recently, as a form of (sub)consciousness in which memories are built and erased. The significance attributed to dreams has varied widely as well. The Ancient Greeks had surprise dream encounters with their gods. Native Americans turned to their dreams for guidance in life. Shamans dreamed in order to gather information from the spirits.