Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Scout is young, by the end of the book she is a few years older but many years smarter, wiser, more trustworthy, more responsible and mature. Harper Lee wrote the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Scout, her brother jem, and her father atticus live in maycomb county. Atticus works as a lawyer. The kids go to school and in the summer dill comes up to stay. They have caring people all around them. Calpurnia is there mother figure after their mother's death. All have different personalities, views and beliefs. An old town with prejudice thoughts, and ways, but one mockingbird that never comes out. Morals shown in front of the town, the truth hidden from blind eyes, inconscients aren’t safe as the untrue still rule. She hears the saying, “its a sin to kill a mockingbird.” also to not judge someone until you stand in their skin and walk around in it. Last, don’t be prejudice. She slowly learns what each one means. …show more content…

Atticus has always read and talked with her a lot for when she doesn’t know. The title of the book is, To Kill A Mockingbird, throughout the whole book scout sees so many things ,inequality and unjust views. Why convict and punish a person when they have done nothing but be the person they were born as. Never hurting anyone or anything, only doing what he needs to provide for his family. Jem thinks scout is too young to understand, except she’s not. She knows the truth, and why it’s wrong. They don’t do anything but “sing” for us. “They don’t eat people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird.” When Scout walks boo radley home for the first time in her life, first time ever even seeing boo, she understands, looking from the porch they were always scared to go on, why it was a

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