Losing My Father Research Paper

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We all experience loss throughout our lives. I lost my father when I was 13 years old. My dad was the first real lost I have ever experience. Losing a parent changes you in ways you cannot explain. Nothing can prepare you for something like this. Death has its own way of robbing you. You never know how close death may be till it grabs ahold of someone you love and take them away from you. My world crumbled to a million pieces the night I found out the news. The night I lost my dad I not only lost him but I lost myself too. And with loss comes grief. You know you're not suppose to, but you begin to question God. You begin to become angry at the world and God. You want to understand, but you can't. And the world around you doesn't stop when you lose someone you have to find a way to pick yourself back up and keep …show more content…

I won't get to share to him all the colleges I will apply to and maybe get accepted to. And I live knowing that he will never meet the guy I have fallen in love with and hope to marry some day. Or be there to walk me down the aisle or even be a part of my wedding day at all. Losing my father has to be one of the hardest situation I have to face in life. At first everyone smoothers you in texts, calls, and try to be there for you. No one wants to be alone. But after months, years everyone that was once there for you will go on with life while you remain feeling the heartache. You will find people that never even experienced a loss of a parent saying it will get easier. It will never get easier specially if you lose them to suicide. The heartache I felt then is the heartache I feel today. You don't just wake up each day and find it getting easier that's not how it works. But you do find a way to cope. To get through each day and night. I've come to realize you can't stay angry at the world and god

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