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The effect of the media on gender roles
Male and female leadership differences behaviour leadership
Social and cultural construction of masculinity and femininity
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Recommended: The effect of the media on gender roles
What was it that caused the aggression and dominance exhibited by the boys of Lord of the Flies? Was it some metaphysical, spiritual force, or perhaps their genetic makeup? Could it have been the influence of their peers or families, or was it the media that inspired this dangerous pattern? Conceivably, their gender had something to do with this appalling trait. It all begs the question, would the same experiences have occurred had females been stranded on the island instead of males? Had females been in a similar situation as the boys in Lord of the Flies, they would have fared abundantly better. Initially, this paper will address society’s role in encouraging males’ violent behavior, as well as females’ politeness and passivity. Secondly, it will be discussed how family socialization influences females’ gentle natures and males’ aggressive temperaments. Finally, this research will explore both gender’s leadership styles, and scientific perception behind these differences.
Much of what society dictates can affect children’s perceptions of the ideal gender standards, and can lead to abuse and violence. Media has a huge role in perpetuating these dangerous gender stereotypes. Numerous male images are used in advertising and television, representing themes such as "heroic masculinity" and "might is right". These portrayals of violent behavior associated with masculinity target young men and convince them that in order to live up to society’s standards, they must resort to aggressive and dominant behavior, the use of assertion, and physical violence. Males are saturated with images of glorified aggression through movies such as Lethal Weapon, sports programs, and "macho" celebrities, like Bruce Willis and Arnold Shwartzenager. Female stereotypes span the opposite extreme. Innumerable young women perceive "ladylike" expectations to be neatness, passivity, politeness, and struggle to meet them, hence they appear nurturing and feminine. Women in the media who challenge these stereotypical behaviors and display assertiveness tend to be slotted into the role of "tomboy" or "dyke". These impositions contribute to the breeding of young men who act in an abusive manner, and are terribly restricting towards boys who covet deep emotion. The antagonist of Lord of the Flies, Jack Merridew, perceives himself to...
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...evere emotions, so not do it for dominance, but for reasons such as love, children, or family. Carol Shakeshaft, a writer specializing in gender differences in educational administration, describes the female mentality as: "emphasizing power with, rather than power over, others." She theorizes that women, in general, perform better in leadership positions, because they are more person oriented, and adopt a more democratic leadership style. To settle arguments, women rely more on negotiation than competition or physical violence. Had females been on the island, they would have practised more community involvement, equality, and inclusiveness.
In conclusion, this report has explored several rationales behind the boys’ behavior in Lord of the Flies, and suggested how girls in the same position would have behaved in a more accepting, nurturing, polite manner. Media stereotypes on ideal gender conduct, family socialization, and fundamental differences in leadership approach are all factors that contribute to boys’ and girls’ very contrasted behaviors. Clearly, had females been in the same situation as the boys in Lord of the Flies, they would have fared considerably better.
1.. Introduction: Question #3 Katz argues that violence is about violent masculinity rather than about violent males, and that there is a significant difference between the two. Males are not innately violent. Instead, they are taught through the media and through their own interpersonal relationships what “real” masculinity is. Katz outlines video games, movies, pornography, and sports as a few of the platforms that masculinity is taught on.
Jack, William Golding’s antagonist in Lord of the Flies, reveals through his experience on the island that it is an individual’s assertiveness, manipulative abilities, and charisma which dictate who commandeers power and privilege over others, and that possessing these traits often negatively impacts the lives of the people leaders seek to control.
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a peculiar story about boys stranded on an island, and the plot and characters relate to many prevailing events and problems. A specific problem that is currently occurring is the mutual hatred and enmity between North Korea and South Korea. This is a current event, but the North and South’s hostility has been ongoing since 1945, when Korea was split into North and South, Communist and Capitalist. When the 38th parallel(Border between North and South Korea) was created, Kim Il-Sung ruled the North, and Syngman Rhee ruled the South. As of now, a power hungry dictator, Kim Jong-un rules the north, and an optimistic president who wants to see change was recently elected in the South, named Moon Jae-in. In Golding’s book, Ralph is a character who aimed to keep everyone alive and to stay together. Jack on the other hand, wanted to have fun and hunt, and although he also wanted to be rescued, he made no effort to help. In this sense, North Korea is a clear representation of the character Jack and his quest for power, and opposingly, South Korea is a representation of Ralph and his strive for order, democracy, and civilization.
William Golding, the author of the highly-acclaimed book, The Lord of the Flies took the reader into a world where underage boys live in an uncharted island with no adults no other human contact; just themselves and finding ways to survive and to get off the island. However, that is no easy task, Golding shed some ground-breaking light on how really boys will act with no authority in their lives and the term “boys will be boys” will arise. The boys were placed in a situation where they were force to act a certain way of nature and condition. In consequence, the boys’ savage and immoral behavior shown is to be blamed on the situation/environment nurtured factors.
There are many aspects that determine how humans behave around one another. This is shown throughout William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies. This book is about a group of British boys that are stranded on an island without any adults due to a plane crash. At first, all goes well; the boys cooperate in attempting to maintain the fire signal, gather food and making shelters. However, human nature takes over and their democracy that they have created fails. This leads to the majority of the boys becoming complete savages when the evil within them takes over. Different qualities help determine whether a person is a good or a bad leader. Although, Piggy and Jack have some leadership qualities, Ralph is the best leader.
In life today, society holds many expectations of its people. Members of society are expected to behave in a civilized manner; conforming to law, following social norms, and acting with dignity and without violence. When the boys became marooned on the island, they were forced to question the expectations they had always observed. This brought about a large battle between those who decided to remain civil and those who would rather rebel. Civilization is pitted against acts of savagery in a plethora of ways in Lord of the Flies when determining who had the right to speak during assemblies, when the group hunted pigs, throughout the struggle over Piggy’s glasses, and finally with Simon’s death.
A part of human nature is inherently chaotic and “barbaric.” These natural impulses, however, are generally balanced by the human desire for leadership and structure. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding discusses what may happen in a scenario in which there is a lack of societal structure and constraints. Golding wants the reader to understand that humans have an innate desire to be primitive- describing it as “mankind 's essential illness”- that is usually suppressed by an equal desire for order. Under extreme circumstances, humans may revert back to their most basic impulses that they usually keep suppressed due to social norms. Throughout the book, the boys’ primitive behavior is heightened by their lack of a leader and, eventually, their
There are many themes in The Lord of The Flies but the one theme that can be seen continuously throughout the novel is civilization versus savagery. As the novel progresses you can clearly witness a transition in the way the boys behave. Originally the boys that survived the plane crash are civil towards each other, following rules set by society and refusing to break into a group of neanderthals. By the middle of the book this code of conduct is beginning to be broken by the rebellious members of Jack’s newly developed tribe. This sends the boys into disarray. By the end of the novel the boys are outright savages and have forsaken all rules set by society.
In the Lord of the Flies the boys began to act in a savage type of way. They began to compete for power and where more than willing to act in a violent manner to get it. When Jack and Ralph split up into different groups, Jacks group was stealing, torturing and killing people in Ralph’s group. These actions were due to the situation and environment these kids were put in. They originally came from a civilized nation and then suddenly they found themselves in an environment where there were no laws or morals that kept them from doing bad. They could now act like savages and there was no punishment for doing so. Not to mention the fear put into everybody about “the beastie” makes people act differently. Fear makes people do irrational things,
Many people do not understand how rhetorical techniques work. All they know is that if you are able to force your ideas into someone else’s mind then you have successfully accomplished your goal. But there is more to it than just forcing your idea into someone's mind, for example there is many rhetorical techniques that can be use to be more efficient at persuading people to share the same beliefs you believe on. One example would be in “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, Plato uses two successful rhetorical techniques one of them being the allegory and the second technique plato uses is the dialogue, both of them being successful techniques in this allegory to persuade the readers about his points of view.
People are privileged to live in an advanced stage of development known as civilization. In a civilization, one’s life is bound by rules that are meant to tame its savage natures. A humans possesses better qualities because the laws that we must follow instill order and stability within society. This observation, made by William Golding, dictates itself as one of the most important themes of Lord of the Flies. The novel demonstrates the great need for civilization ion in life because without it, people revert back to animalistic natures.
Class is still everywhere. Throughout the history of Britain, class has always been an issue, and its topic remains to be an obsessional and contentious factor in people’s mind. As it can be seen, there are many factors revealing the existence of class, but at the same time, there are also many scholars suggesting that class is no longer valid. However, despite its ambiguity, it can be concluded that whether or not “classes” do exist, social division is still prevalent in British politics, public surveys, education, sport, and accent. In conclusion, to sum up the existence of class in modern Britain, class is still a relevant factor in society.
John Boyne’s book, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, shouldn’t be used as a teaching tool for the Holocaust. It is far too inappropriate and disgraceful for such a grave topic. The Holocaust was full of atrocities. If you are teaching younger audiences about the Holocaust, in my opinion, you should adhere to basic age appropriate facts of what truly happened without minimizing or detracting from the cruelties that the victims
In the fable The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, a clear lesson emerges that hatred is driven by fear. This novel is set during the Holocaust, where Ralph, also known as Father, has a role of a Nazi soldier. He takes his family to Auschwitz from Berlin as of his recent promotion to Commandant. He is scared of Hitler and what other people think of him, along with Father shows his hatred towards the Jews in many ways. Told through a nine-year-old's perspective, Bruno and Gretel are indoctrinated by their own father into thinking Jews are bad people. But later learned Jews are not known as people. Just a couple miles from their new house stands a concentration camp with hundreds of innocent Jews, and as time goes by Bruno is tempted
The career that interests me most is a Social Media Director. In being a Social Media Director, you help others build brand loyalty and create a larger market to further their Social Media status. It gives people a reachable platform to start a business and create blogs that can expand to bigger things. I’ve also been interested in Photography and Fashion but I haven’t stuck to it the way I do with Social Media. The reason being, that I spend a great portion of my life on Social Media. By me spending a lot of my time on Social Media it’s had a positive effect on my personality and has helped me expand my mind in ways other things haven’t been able to. This career fits in with my personal strengths because Social Media is constantly changing