Lord Of The Flies Failure

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With no adults, who will be in charge? William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies focuses on a group of young boys stranded on a deserted island with no adults to assist them. The children must delegate power amongst themselves and cooperate in order to survive and be rescued. However, as their stay on the island grows longer, the collaboration they once had begins to diminish, leading them into actions of savagery and violence. The inability of the boys to maintain their civilized nature, as seen through the failure of the signal fire and the constant fight for power between Jack and Ralph, allows Golding to express the importance of cooperation, which I can see is a necessity in times of my life without distinct authority. The failure of the …show more content…

However, these games are often without a referee or coaches to maintain order. I remember going to the field with my friends earlier this winter, and due to the lack of authority present, one of my friends ended up putting another into a headlock, and I ended up with a bloody nose. This incident can be seen in Lord of the Flies when the boys try to maintain the signal fire at the beginning of the novel. After Ralph spots the smoke from the ship in the distance, he immediately travels to the top of the mountain to make sure there was still smoke from their fire. Instead, he found a pile of ashes and the boys whom he assigned the duty of maintaining the fire were nowhere to be found. After the boys appear with a dead pig, Ralph confronts them, saying, “You said you’d keep the fire going and you let it out!” (Golding 70). Just as Jack and his choir were unable to keep the smoke signal going due to their desire to hunt overtaking their desire to be rescued, my friends were unable to play a clean game of soccer without letting their desires of fouling take …show more content…

Keeping things safe is a common goal we must have, which will contribute to this cooperation. A common goal is also helpful when doing group projects at school. The power struggle between Jack and Ralph throughout the novel has allowed me to see the importance of teamwork and cooperation in achieving a long-term goal, especially in group projects at school. In my math class this year, we complete a portfolio after every unit which consists of a summary and relevant example problems. This past unit, we were able to work on the portfolio in groups, which greatly tested our cooperation skills. We were given time in class to complete the project, but one of our group members was absent. In order to keep everyone responsible for their work, with no teacher to guide us, we delegated portions of slides to each member, working through them individually. These portfolios are meant to aid our learning in college, and with a common goal of supporting our future selves, my group was able to complete the summary very

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