Lobster In The Great Gatsby

878 Words2 Pages

So I have written a word today, great! Who said being unemployed was tough, I am rocking this! Great job Me!
Focus! More words, you have to write more words! I mean lobster is a pretty good beginning, not every novel begins like this, it’s pretty original. I mean, sure, Shakespeare could write, but it was always so tedious to read, you had to go over the same line over and over and over again, and you probably still wouldn’t get it. Whereas lobster, that’s straight to the point! No hesitation, no questions like: “is that a small lobster? A big one?” When you think about it, lobster is a damn good beginning because it’s just that, a lobster. Imagine I had written “poor lobster” on my page? Or worse, something like “working-class lobster”? The reader might wonder: “is it a politically-charged lobster story? Am I going to read about the Marxian struggle of a blue collar lobster fighting his capital-hoarding white collar lobster? It’s Friday night, I’d rather not get political” and then he would just close the book until he sells …show more content…

It’s a good beginning alright! A good beginning, but a beginning nonetheless, you have to write more than that, you have to write a story. So in this story, what does the lobster do? Does he walk? Do lobsters walk? Maybe I should make a quick Google search about this: do lobsters walk?
Apparently they do, but they can also walk backwards if scared. How hilarious if humans did the same: “Gimme your wallet!” followed by some moonwalking...
I think it might work actually, most thugs would just be so confused by this “why is this guy doing that? Have I lost my touch so much that people are going all Michael Jackson on me?” And maybe it would be some kind of wake-up call for him to get his life together and start going back to school for that sustainable environment program he secretly dreams of, because hell, we can’t go on burning those fossil fuels, or one day polar bears will invade Massachusetts and sue Coke for those ads

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