This is a loaded question and could have many different answers. The yes or no answer simply is not sufficient enough of a response. The answer to this question is more so, that all fire department employees that pass the probationary period are salvageable and an asset to the department. Part of the reason I specify that an employee must pass the probationary period is because it is this period during the hiring process that is the last step before a prospective employee becomes an employee of the department. The hiring process much like many other processes is designed to weed through those individuals that are not the right fit for the department. Through the process the department filters out those individuals whom would possibly fail to
In this report I will focus on desirable traits the Columbus Division of fire are looking for, as well as the City’s hiring process, training requirements, offered benefits, probationary period, promotional opportunities, and departmental structure. I will also...
Unfortunately, according to an article by Christopher Brennan (2010), most firefighters do not even know their fire department’s mission statement, which as he states, makes it impossible for personnel to live out their department’s supposed mission and values (Brennan, 2010).
Firefighters, police officers, and military personal should be compensated more than other people because they risk their lives every day to keep citizens safe. It is never right just to view people as dollar signs because when you do this, you do not treat them like a humans and have no regard for their families. Taking both into consideration can account for the lack of resources while also understanding the emotional distress the families will go
If I was to become a probation officer, one thing I would want to be is efficient, and successful. There would be several things I would try to focalize my attention on; supervision in communities, and its importance. Probation officers have very complex, and hard job; but if done with the right intentions, and the will to help people you can help change people’s lives.
(Alarid, 2017, p. 293) Besides managing/supervising probationers and parolees, other concerns are safety on the job and caseloads. We will review three areas of deficiencies being caseloads, time spent managing probationers and safety within the probation officer career field, and the pros and cons with a possible solution for each.
All in all, the ideas surrounding the criminal justice system were affirmed by the field practice experience. Many open doors have resulted from the venture into the field of probation. As an advocate and future employee of the criminal justice system the skills and intellect gained from the college of criminal justice at SHSU along with the internship opportunity with the Dallas County Adult Probation Department will serve as a path to a successful career. The talented individuals and extraordinary situations encountered on the journey will not be forgotten.
Being probation officers can be interesting and challenging because they are often required to work in high crime environment, so sometimes offenders would carry firearms on them to protect themselves. The probation officer gets to meet with all different walks in life and get to hear all different story. The most challenge is when you communicate with the offenders, some offenders tend to have angry issue, so you have to control your emotions and try to calm them down and befriend them, so that they respect you and listen to you. By working with the offenders to help them stop offending, probation officers are actually required to transform people’s lives. It would be hard for them not to, because it is one of their roles in the job. Often
People who go into jail or prison often get accustom to that way of life and that makes it extremely difficult to achieve recidivism. These people now have the stigma of being a convict. However probation allows that person to still keep their same job, and still lead a somewhat normal lifestyle as long as they stay out of trouble. This also keeps cost of the criminal justice system down because it cost less to have someone of probation than it does to keep someone incarcerated. Probation can be used more effectively if a probation officers caseload can be lowered to the point where they can do daily check-ups of all of their people of probation.
While opponents of this argument may be partially correct, I do agree that few careers require such dedication from their employees. Police officers must attempt to withhold very high ethical standards with their community as well as their colleagues. Several occupations may require some dedication to complete their in-work tasks, but officers carry this burden outside of working hours as well. Officers are undeniably handed overwhelming loads of responsibility, and these expectations are not easy to meet without a strong sense of purpose and dedication. Officers do not get the opportunity to prepare for their next day of work, rather they are thrown into the unexpected with hopes of being able to “serve and protect.” Often times, these policemen are involved in situations that have the potential to become
Since the beginning of the fire service hundreds of years ago, this profession is usually thought of being a male dominate. Since then there has been a large number of females who have been interested and wanting to become a part of this family, as a result of the male domination, a large group has failed due to discrimination from co-workers or management personnel. Furthermore, the laws that have been put into place have helped women become a part of the fire service profession.
Fire means to dismiss (an employee) from a job, and this is used in To Kill a Mockingbird. Bob Ewell was fired from his job and he blames Atticus for being fired. "The first thing was that Mr. Bob Ewell acquired and lost a job in a matter of days and probably made himself unique in the annals of the ninetheen-thirties: he was the only man i ever
The first step is to weed out the ones who just are not right to be a officer. The next step is to find the ones who fit the needs of the department. Medical and psychiatric testing, personal interview, and background information is used when identifying if a person is a good fit. There is research that has identified five personality characteristics that allows a police officer to excel in his or her job: extrovert, emotional stability, agreeable, conscientious, and open to experience. People also need to be aware of working in a high crime area. Even if the person has all five traits, but can’t handle the stress they may need to find another profession. There may be times new hires come from another department, but before hiring they need to talk to the previous employer. There may be certain reasons that the officer for hire is wanting to move to a different department. They could have been disciplined or terminated if they had not agreed to resign. This is not okay for the officers are not taking the consequences for their behavior.
Before I learn about Bobbie Haro’s Cycle, I didn’t know socialization is a big part of my life. For example, when my classmates think I’m Japanese because of the way I look. After learning about the cycle I realize my identity is by the people I grew up with. Second example is my parents gave me my Chinese identity and in temple I am taught to be a good individual. This illustrate an example of Harro’s socialization enforcement. Now I understand what it means and why it happens. Lastly, another example of my socialization is being a female, as a female I have limitations. I am socialized to think I have those barriers through media. For example, on television at night the girl is walking and gets kidnapped by a man. It’s scary that I always
The Moon, the closest astral body to the Earth, revolves around the Earth 13 times a year. The lunar month is the period of one revolution of the moon.
The critical period hypothesis for language acquisition was popularized by neurologist Eric Lenneberg. The hypothesis suggests that if an individual is not exposed to language during a specific period in their childhood then they will have great difficulties acquiring language later in life (Redmond, 1993). I believe the two “wild children” cases of Genie and Victor provides evidence to support the critical period hypothesis. Genie’s case supports the hypothesis because although she developed a vocabulary and despite all of her intense therapy sessions, she still was not able to create meaningful and grammatically correct sentences (Garmon, 1994). Genie’s inability to create real sentences may indicate that she endured the extreme deprivation during her critical period and it prevented her from acquiring language. Victor’s case also supports the critical period hypothesis. The professionals in the documentary The Secret of The Wild Child stated: “While Victor knew how to read simple words, he never learned how to talk” (Garmon, 1994). This quote implicates that similar to Genie, Victor developed a vocabulary,