Live Theater

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There are many differences between viewing a film and a live theater performance, but a major is connecting to the audiences as well as the emotion felt. For example, when I went to view The Two Gentlemen of Verona, I felt a strong connection with the cast; they were right there in front of me, expressing their emotion that reached me in the back of the theater. I felt an one on one connection that made me feel involved in the play; it made me feel that I was in scene Viewing a film does not create the same involvement. For example, when I viewed Rent, I didn’t feel that I was very involved in the film. I enjoyed it, but I did not feel as if I was in the scene, right there next to the characters. Additionally, the emotion I felt from my fellow audience members while viewing Two Gents was overwhelming. For example, when Julia expressed heartbreak after she finds out Proteus is in love with Silvia, I felt that everyone in the audience was heartbroken as well. I did not feel that when viewing a film. For example, I was extremely sad at the end of the film The Glass Menagerie, when Tom leaves his family all alone to care for themselves. However, I only felt the sadness through me; I …show more content…

For example, in Two Gents, there is no special effects or CGI; in fact, there were hardly any props. I had to focus on the characters and the dialogue in order to fully understand the plot and story. This made me appreciate the story more because I fully felt the emotion from the story. In a film, I tend to focus more on the environment and effects. For example, while viewing Rent, I focused on the city and what was going on around the characters, instead of the characters, which made me lose sight of what the story was. I remembered the full story of Two Gents, however, I couldn’t remember the full story of Rent, although I remembered a lot of the scenery and

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