Literacy And The Internet: Video Analysis

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Reflection from the video
The overall theme I gathered from the video “New Literacies of the Internet” focuses on literacy and the internet. Its primary purpose was to show how the two can be implemented together successfully in the classroom. Proficiency in the new literacies of the internet will become essential to our student's literacy future (Coiro, 2003). The video showed how teachers using technology facilitated online research and enhanced their students reading comprehension skills through the internet. These new literacies are central to our students future. The student's futures are going to be defined by their ability to read, write and communicate within a network information environment (Lawman, Browne, & Leu, 2017). Kids …show more content…

Each of the above strategies can be broken down into even more smaller strategies that will help the students learn a specific content. Some small strategies are; critical evaluation, background knowledge, point and click strategies, search engines, and skimming/scanning (Lawman, Browne, & Leu, 2017). Other strategies that teachers can implement to help their students achieve two or three learning goals from a single activity is to integrate systematically instructional strategies. Using a strategy in reading within each of the content areas the teacher should still be teaching and integrating the internet into the content area (Lawman, Browne, & Leu, 2017). These activities help increase the students learning and builds their …show more content…

I explained to them that when they venture off that is when inappropriate websites pop up. Stick to the topic they are researching then they won’t put themselves in harm’s way. I also have them complete a KWL chart or a brainstorming activity that focus on the information that they are looking up on the internet. Some practices that are in place at the school where I teach at regarding internet is as follows; the students must use their own log in information. If the student has lost their information they are not allowed to complete that day’s assignment. They must repurchase an ID which contains their log in information. By not letting them participate it is showing the students that they must be (1) be responsible (2) be prepared and that they must (3) be active participants in their learning and completing their class assignments. Our school technology department has certain websites blocked that the students nor the teacher can assess. I have seen for myself when a student goes beyond the four-click rule they gets themselves in trouble because the inappropriate content is displayed with a red sign on it stating” you are not allowed to view the contents on this page”. The student is embarrassed by this warning and want to find out how to make it go away quickly. To help my students determine if a website is credible I

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